Memoria, violencia y regulación estatal entre los guaraníes evangélicos de La Esperanza (1970, Jujuy, Argentina)
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Universidad Arturo Prat
El artículo aborda la memoria de un episodio crítico entre los guaraníes evangélicos del ingenio azucarero La Esperanza (Jujuy, Argentina), ocurrido en la década de 1970: el desmantelamiento de una iglesia que por más medio siglo aglutinó actividades sociales y religiosas, su posterior reubicación en el pueblo vecino de San Pedro, el robo del “Fichero de culto” (documento que habilitaba el ejercicio de minorías religiosas en Argentina) y una serie de procedimientos burocráticos propios del Registro Nacional de Culto (Ley 21.745) que incidieron en la formación de iglesias de tipo denominacional bajo tutelaje extra local. Para comprender ese hecho perturbador que redunda en la memoria de los creyentes, reconstruimos, por un lado, los procesos sociohistóricos y las relaciones interétnicas que dan relieve a los argumentos que esgrimen los y las guaraníes para tornar inteligibles los sucesos. Por otro lado, analizamos la singularidad de la memoria de un grupo que, cargando todas las marcas de opresión posible (étnica, religiosa, de clase, etc.), no expresa del modo convencional demandas de justicia y reparación moral en relación con el último gobierno dictatorial (1976-1983). Para realizar el artículo se recuperó información etnográfica de trabajo de campo realizado en La Esperanza y en San Pedro de Jujuy entre los años 2014 y 2017, datos extraídos de publicaciones evangélicas y de la Secretaría de Culto del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto de Argentina.
The article addresses the memory of a critical period among the evangelical Guarani of the La Esperanza sugar mill (Jujuy, Argentina), which occurred in the 1970s: that is to say, the dismantling of a church that for more than half a century united social and religious activities, its subsequent relocation to the neighbouring town of San Pedro, the theft of the "Fichero de culto" (i.e. file of worship, a document that authorised the activities of religious minorities in Argentina) and a series of bureaucratic procedures typical of the National Registry of Worship (Law 21,745) that influenced the formation of denominational-type churches under non-native tutelage. To understand this disturbing fact that echoes in the memory of believers, the authors have reconstructed, on the one hand, the socio-historical processes and interethnic relations that highlight the arguments used by the Guarani to make the events intelligible. And on the other, have analysed the singularity of the memory of a group that, bearing all possible marks of oppression (ethnic, religious, class, etc.), has not expressed in conventional terms their demands for justice and moral reparation in relation to the country's last dictatorial administration (1976-1983). The article was written on the basis of ethnographic information retrieved from fieldwork carried out in La Esperanza and San Pedro de Jujuy between 2014 and 2017, along with information gathered from evangelical publications and from the Office of Worship of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship in Argentina.
Fil: Espinosa, Mariana Esther. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba; Argentina
The article addresses the memory of a critical period among the evangelical Guarani of the La Esperanza sugar mill (Jujuy, Argentina), which occurred in the 1970s: that is to say, the dismantling of a church that for more than half a century united social and religious activities, its subsequent relocation to the neighbouring town of San Pedro, the theft of the "Fichero de culto" (i.e. file of worship, a document that authorised the activities of religious minorities in Argentina) and a series of bureaucratic procedures typical of the National Registry of Worship (Law 21,745) that influenced the formation of denominational-type churches under non-native tutelage. To understand this disturbing fact that echoes in the memory of believers, the authors have reconstructed, on the one hand, the socio-historical processes and interethnic relations that highlight the arguments used by the Guarani to make the events intelligible. And on the other, have analysed the singularity of the memory of a group that, bearing all possible marks of oppression (ethnic, religious, class, etc.), has not expressed in conventional terms their demands for justice and moral reparation in relation to the country's last dictatorial administration (1976-1983). The article was written on the basis of ethnographic information retrieved from fieldwork carried out in La Esperanza and San Pedro de Jujuy between 2014 and 2017, along with information gathered from evangelical publications and from the Office of Worship of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship in Argentina.
Fil: Espinosa, Mariana Esther. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba; Argentina