Exploraciones osteológicas de la salud de las poblaciones humanas del Canal Beagle
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Algunas evidencias acerca de la salud de las poblaciones aborígenes han comenzado a ser reportadas en varias regiones de Patagonia Austral. Por el contrario, hasta el momento carecemos de información comparable para la región del canal Beagle. El objetivo de este trabajo es comunicar los resultados de las investigaciones bioarqueológicas y paleopatológicas de los restos humanos recuperados en excavaciones realizadas en la margen norte del canal durante la primera década del siglo XXI. Estos estudios incluyen nuevos fechados radiocarbónicos sobre restos humanos hallados en cinco sitios arqueológicos. Fueron estudiados restos pertenecientes a doce individuos (ocho adultos y cuatro subadultos). Los resultados muestran una tendencia al mayor desarrollo de lesiones articulares de la columna dorsal y en los miembros superiores en periodos posteriores al contacto, al igual que mayor desarrollo de lesiones asociadas a situaciones de estrés sistémico. Al mismo tiempo, se presentan lesiones patológicas no reportadas anteriormente en Patagonia
Evidence concerning the health of aboriginal populations from various regions of Patagonia Austral has started to emerge. On the other hand, up until this moment we lack comparable evidence for the Beagle Channel region. The aim of this article is to reveal the results of bioarchaeological and paleopathological studies on human remains recovered from excavations undertaken along the northern margin of the channel during the first decade of the 21st Century. These studies include new radiocarbon dates on human remains found at five archaeological sites. The remains of twelve individuals were studied (eight adults and four sub-adults). The results reveal a tendency towards the development of articular lesions of the dorsal column and the upper limbs in the post-contact period, as well as the development of lesions associated to systemic stress situations. Concurrently there is evidence for pathological lesions not noted previously in Patagonia.
Sociedad Argentina de Antropología
Evidence concerning the health of aboriginal populations from various regions of Patagonia Austral has started to emerge. On the other hand, up until this moment we lack comparable evidence for the Beagle Channel region. The aim of this article is to reveal the results of bioarchaeological and paleopathological studies on human remains recovered from excavations undertaken along the northern margin of the channel during the first decade of the 21st Century. These studies include new radiocarbon dates on human remains found at five archaeological sites. The remains of twelve individuals were studied (eight adults and four sub-adults). The results reveal a tendency towards the development of articular lesions of the dorsal column and the upper limbs in the post-contact period, as well as the development of lesions associated to systemic stress situations. Concurrently there is evidence for pathological lesions not noted previously in Patagonia.
Sociedad Argentina de Antropología
Antropología, salud, Paleopatología, Tierra del Fuego, Población Indígena, restos humanos