Estudio comparativo de talla y peso de escolares primarios jujeños
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La evaluación del crecimiento y desarrollo constituye uno de los componentes esenciales de los programas de salud que permite valorar tanto el impacto de las enfermedades como de otros factores ambientales y genéticos sobre las poblaciones expuestas a ellos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la variación de la talla y el peso de la población escolar de Jardín de Infantes y de 7º Grado de todas las escuelas de San Salvador de Jujuy y comparar estos parámetros auxológicos con los estándares nacionales. Los datos procedieron del Departamento de Salud Escolar (Ministerio de Bienestar Social) y los mismos correspondieron a niños de 4 a 6 años y de 11 a 16 años (N = 8593). Se determinaron estadísticos descriptivos (media, percentilo, desvío estándar, valor mínimo y máximo) y se utilizó la prueba t para la comparación con los estándares nacionales. Se observó que hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas con respecto a los estándares nacionales; los varones y mujeres de 4 a 6 años y de 11 a 13 años fueron, en general, más altos y más pesados que los niños de las tablas nacionales, lo contrario sucedió en el grupo de edad de 14 a 16 años. Se concluye que: a) la talla y peso de los niños jujeños de ambos sexos difiere de las poblaciones de referencia permitiendo inferir que se trata de poblaciones distintas; b) resulta necesario contar con estándares provinciales, o regionales, basados en criterios metodológicos precisos y actualizados de la bioantropología que reflejen con mayor precisión las características biológicas de sus poblaciones y las del medio ambiente en las que éstas se desarrollan.
The assessment of growth and development is an essential component of health programs, which allows to evaluate both the impact of diseases on a population and other environmental and genetic factors affecting it. The purpose of this study was to analyze height and weight variations in school children of all the kindergartens and seventh grades of elementary schools in San Salvador de Jujuy (Argentina), and to compare these auxologic parameters with national standards. School Children Health Department (Ministry of Social Welfare) provided the data corresponding to 4-6-year-old and 11-16-year-old children (N= 8593). Descriptive statistic data (mean, percentile, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values) were determined, T test being used for comparison with national standards. Statistically significant differences were found in 4-6-year-old and 11-13-year-old boys and girls. They were generally taller and heavier than children of national standards, while the opposite was observed in 14-16-year-old children. It was concluded that: a) height and weight in children of both sexes from Jujuy differed from those of reference populations, which led to speculate that they constitute different populations; b) it is necessary to establish provincial or regional standards based on precise and updated bio-anthropologic methodological criteria reflecting the biologic characteristics of a population and its environment with more accuracy.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentina (AABRA)
The assessment of growth and development is an essential component of health programs, which allows to evaluate both the impact of diseases on a population and other environmental and genetic factors affecting it. The purpose of this study was to analyze height and weight variations in school children of all the kindergartens and seventh grades of elementary schools in San Salvador de Jujuy (Argentina), and to compare these auxologic parameters with national standards. School Children Health Department (Ministry of Social Welfare) provided the data corresponding to 4-6-year-old and 11-16-year-old children (N= 8593). Descriptive statistic data (mean, percentile, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values) were determined, T test being used for comparison with national standards. Statistically significant differences were found in 4-6-year-old and 11-13-year-old boys and girls. They were generally taller and heavier than children of national standards, while the opposite was observed in 14-16-year-old children. It was concluded that: a) height and weight in children of both sexes from Jujuy differed from those of reference populations, which led to speculate that they constitute different populations; b) it is necessary to establish provincial or regional standards based on precise and updated bio-anthropologic methodological criteria reflecting the biologic characteristics of a population and its environment with more accuracy.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentina (AABRA)
Antropología, antropología biológica, Jujuy (Argentina), Estatura, alumno, Peso Corporal