Suelos antrópicos vs. naturales: La Costa 2 (Valle de Tafí, Tucumán)
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Instituto de Arqueología, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires
La interpretación de lo ocurrido en un perfil estratigráfico aporta valiosa información al registro arqueológico de un sitio. Ésta se lleva a cabo a través del análisis físico y químico de los suelos. En el sitio La Costa 2 (Valle de Tafí-Tucumán), los resultados obtenidos del análisis geobioquímico de los suelos y sedimentos encontrados mostraron claras diferencias entre suelos antrópicos y aquellos naturales, dejando en evidencia cómo el accionar humano provoca cambios observables en los suelos donde se asienta; pero también se registraron diferencias entre suelos antrópicos donde se llevaron a cabo distintas tareas (agrícolas y residenciales). Incluso pudo establecerse como los procesos post-depositacionales afectaron a los artefactos arqueológicos encontrados y generaron distintos y complejos perfiles estratigráficos.
The analysis of a stratigraphic profile provides valuable information to a site’s archaeological record. This is carried out through the physical and chemical analysis of a soil. The results obtained from the geobiochemical soils and sediments analysis of La Costa 2 (Tafí Valley-Tucumán) archaeological site, showed differences between anthropic and natural soils, clearly showing the way in which human actions causes changes in the soil where they take place. Also differences among anthropic soils where different human activities were carried out (agricultural and residential activities) were recognized. Furthermore, the way in which post-depositional processes affected the archaeological artifacts and generated various and complex stratigraphic profiles was identified.
The analysis of a stratigraphic profile provides valuable information to a site’s archaeological record. This is carried out through the physical and chemical analysis of a soil. The results obtained from the geobiochemical soils and sediments analysis of La Costa 2 (Tafí Valley-Tucumán) archaeological site, showed differences between anthropic and natural soils, clearly showing the way in which human actions causes changes in the soil where they take place. Also differences among anthropic soils where different human activities were carried out (agricultural and residential activities) were recognized. Furthermore, the way in which post-depositional processes affected the archaeological artifacts and generated various and complex stratigraphic profiles was identified.
Geoarchaeology, Geobiochemistry, Agricultural soils, Residential soils, Tafí, NOA, Geoarqueología, Geobioquímica, Suelos agrícolas, Suelos residenciales, Tafí, NOA