Arqueoproteómica como complemento de estudios paleopatológicos en restos óseos humanos de la Cueva de Plaza, Chubut, Argentina: alcances y limitaciones
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En este trabajo se propone realizar por primera vez en Argentina un análisis proteómico por espectrometría de masas de una falange humana con una alteración macroscópica proveniente de un conjunto arqueológico recuperado en el sitio Cueva de Plaza (Chubut, Argentina). Se presentan dos métodos de extracción de proteínas de restos óseos arqueológicos para ser analizadas con un espectrómetro de masas.
Ambos métodos permitieron obtener resultados no excluyentes con información parcialmente redundante y complementaria. Se identificaron proteínas como colágenos, fibronectina, proteínas de cartílago, de hueso, de músculo y de sangre y conjuntos de proteínas asociadas al sistema inmune y a otras vías metabólicas, en menor cantidad.
Las proteínas identificadas son consistentes con la existencia de un trauma en proceso de reparación en el elemento óseo analizado.
In this work a proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry of a human phalanx with a macroscopic alteration found in Cueva de Plaza archaeological site (Chubut, Argentina) is proposed, representing the first time that such analysis has been carried out on archaeological materials in Argentina. Two methods of protein extraction from archaeological bone remains are presented and their results were analyzed with a mass spectrometer. Both methods yielded non-exclusive, partially redundant and complementary results. Collagens, fibronectin, proteins from cartilage, bone, muscle and blood and, to a lesser extent, proteins associated with the immune system and other metabolic pathways were identified. These proteins are consistent with the existence of a healing trauma process in the analyzed bone element.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica Argentina
In this work a proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry of a human phalanx with a macroscopic alteration found in Cueva de Plaza archaeological site (Chubut, Argentina) is proposed, representing the first time that such analysis has been carried out on archaeological materials in Argentina. Two methods of protein extraction from archaeological bone remains are presented and their results were analyzed with a mass spectrometer. Both methods yielded non-exclusive, partially redundant and complementary results. Collagens, fibronectin, proteins from cartilage, bone, muscle and blood and, to a lesser extent, proteins associated with the immune system and other metabolic pathways were identified. These proteins are consistent with the existence of a healing trauma process in the analyzed bone element.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica Argentina
Antropología, Proteómica, Bioarqueología, Paleopatología, Patagonia, Proteomics, Bioarchaeology, Paleopathology