Variabilidad mitocondrial en muestras pre-colombinas de la Patagonia argentina : Hacia una visión de su poblamiento desde el ADN antiguo
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Distintas disciplinas han intentado explicar el poblamiento y la evolución de las poblaciones cazadorasrecolectoras que habitaron la Patagonia argentina. La arqueología y la morfología craneal propusieron un escenario de poblamiento temprano caracterizado por una baja demografía, eventos de divergencias y efectos fundadores seriales. Estos postulados fueron avalados desde el análisis del ADN mitocondrial procedente de poblaciones originarias actuales, aunque son escasos aún los estudios en poblaciones precolombinas. Con el objeto de aumentar la información disponible, se analizó un total de 50 muestras de individuos de sitios arqueológicos y colecciones de museos de diversas regiones patagónicas con temporalidades desde los ca.5600 14C años AP hasta tiempos históricos. Se logró asignar el linaje materno en 27 de ellas por RFLP y en 22 de las mismas secuencias de la región hipervariable 1. Se detectaron los linajes A2, C1, D1, D1g, D1j y D4h3a. A través de los análisis estadísticos de los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo se observa una tendencia a la disminución de la diversidad mitocondrial hacia el sur. La comparación de las regiones geográficas analizadas sugiere la ausencia de diferencias estadísticamente significativas y de estructuración poblacional, lo cual puede indicar un origen común reciente y/o la existencia de flujo génico entre las regiones durante el Holoceno tardío. Adicionalmente, puede proponerse un cambio en el acervo genético mitocondrial en las poblaciones nativas actuales representado por las altas frecuencias del linaje B2, posiblemente relacionado con el proceso de araucanización a partir del siglo XVI.
Different disciplines have attempted to explain the settlement and evolution of the hunter-gatherer populations who lived in the Argentinean Patagonia. Both archaeology and cranial morphology have suggested an initial settlement stage characterized by low demography, divergence events, and serial founder effects. These assumptions were supported by mitochondrial DNA analysis of extant native populations; studies in pre-Columbian groups being as yet scarce. In order to increase the information available, a total of 50 samples of individuals from archaeological sites and museum collections of various Patagonian regions, dated from ca. 5600 14C yr BP to historical times, were analyzed. It was possible to assign maternal lineage in 27 samples by RFLP analysis and in 22 of them hypervariable region 1 was sequenced. Lineages A2, C1, D1, D1g, D1j and D4h3a were detected. Statistical analysis of the results obtained here suggested a tendency towards a lower mitochondrial diversity southward. Comparison of the geographical regions analyzed has shown no statistically significant differences or population structure, which may indicate a recent common origin and the existence of gene flow across regions during the late Holocene. Additionally, a change in the mitochondrial gene pool can be proposed in current native populations due to the high frequency of lineage B2, possibly related to the process of araucanization begun in the sixteenth century.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentina (AABRA)
Different disciplines have attempted to explain the settlement and evolution of the hunter-gatherer populations who lived in the Argentinean Patagonia. Both archaeology and cranial morphology have suggested an initial settlement stage characterized by low demography, divergence events, and serial founder effects. These assumptions were supported by mitochondrial DNA analysis of extant native populations; studies in pre-Columbian groups being as yet scarce. In order to increase the information available, a total of 50 samples of individuals from archaeological sites and museum collections of various Patagonian regions, dated from ca. 5600 14C yr BP to historical times, were analyzed. It was possible to assign maternal lineage in 27 samples by RFLP analysis and in 22 of them hypervariable region 1 was sequenced. Lineages A2, C1, D1, D1g, D1j and D4h3a were detected. Statistical analysis of the results obtained here suggested a tendency towards a lower mitochondrial diversity southward. Comparison of the geographical regions analyzed has shown no statistically significant differences or population structure, which may indicate a recent common origin and the existence of gene flow across regions during the late Holocene. Additionally, a change in the mitochondrial gene pool can be proposed in current native populations due to the high frequency of lineage B2, possibly related to the process of araucanization begun in the sixteenth century.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentina (AABRA)
Antropología, ADN Mitocondrial, Patagonia argentina, linaje materno