Perfil infectológico de poblaciones mapuche de Cerro Policía y Aguada Guzmán de la provincia de Río Negro
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Nuestro trabajo analiza la prevalencia de marcadores de algunas infecciones que afectan las poblaciones mapuche de Cerro Policía (CP) y Aguada Guzmán (AG) en la Prov. de Río Negro. Los estudios incluídos son: determinación de anticuerpos anti-Treponema pallidum, anti-Trypanosoma cruzii, anti-Echinococcus granulosus, antígeno de superficie de la Hepatitis B (HBsAg), anticuerpos contra el core de la Hepatitis B (anti-HBc), anticuerpos contra el virus de la Hepatitis A (anti-HAV). Se estudiaron 160 muestras en CP y 83 en AG. Los resultados muestran alta prevalencia para anti-HAV en CP (89.2%) y en AG (77.1%) y para hidatidosis (10.6% y 9.6% respectivamente). Se hallaron valores nulos o bajos para sífilis (CP: 0.0 % y AG:2.4%). La prevalencia para Chagas fue del 10% en CP y 0.0% en AG. Los datos para Hepatitis B fueron nulos o bajos: HBsAg (CP:0.0% y AG:1.2%) y anti-HBc(CP:0.6% y AG:0.0%). Los resultados indican que, aún estando estas dos poblaciones tan próximas muestran diferencias en los perfiles de los marcadores serológicos estudiados. Al comparar las tasas de prevalencia con las de otras poblaciones de América, cada una presenta un perfil diferente que depende de la población y del agente infeccioso considerado.
In the present report, we analyzed the prevalence of serological markers of some infections , in the mapuche groups from Cerro Policia (CP) and Aguada Guzmán (AG), in the Río Negro Province. The included studies were the following: determinations in sera of antibodies against Treponema pallidum, Trypanosoma cruzii, Hepatitis B virus surface Antigen (HBsAg), antibodies against Hepatitis B core (anti-HBc), hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV) and against Echinococcus granulosus. A total of 160 and 83 samples were studied in CP and AG respectively. Results show high prevalence of anti-HAV in CP (89.2%) and in AG (77.1%) and of echinococcocis, 10.6% in CP and 9.6 % in AG. Absence or low values for syphilis, CP: 0% and AG: 2.4%. Rates for Chagas disease were 10% in CP and 0% in AG. Hepatitis B values showed nule or low incidence 0% in CP and 1.2% in AG, for HBsAg and 0.6% and 0% for anti-HBc. Results indicate that, even between these two close groups, differences appear in the serological markers. Comparing prevalence rates to those of other American populations, each rate present a particular profile, depending on the group and the pathogen involved.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentina (AABRA)
In the present report, we analyzed the prevalence of serological markers of some infections , in the mapuche groups from Cerro Policia (CP) and Aguada Guzmán (AG), in the Río Negro Province. The included studies were the following: determinations in sera of antibodies against Treponema pallidum, Trypanosoma cruzii, Hepatitis B virus surface Antigen (HBsAg), antibodies against Hepatitis B core (anti-HBc), hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV) and against Echinococcus granulosus. A total of 160 and 83 samples were studied in CP and AG respectively. Results show high prevalence of anti-HAV in CP (89.2%) and in AG (77.1%) and of echinococcocis, 10.6% in CP and 9.6 % in AG. Absence or low values for syphilis, CP: 0% and AG: 2.4%. Rates for Chagas disease were 10% in CP and 0% in AG. Hepatitis B values showed nule or low incidence 0% in CP and 1.2% in AG, for HBsAg and 0.6% and 0% for anti-HBc. Results indicate that, even between these two close groups, differences appear in the serological markers. Comparing prevalence rates to those of other American populations, each rate present a particular profile, depending on the group and the pathogen involved.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentina (AABRA)
Antropología, Población Indígena, enfermedad infecciosa, Río Negro (Argentina), antropología biológica, marcadores