Cocción experimental de cerámica con estiércol de llama
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Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad
de Ciencias Sociales
En Santa María, Catamarca, realizamos una serie de experiencias de cocción
cerámica empleando estiércol de llama seco como combustible en diferentes
estructuras de combustión (pozos con y sin tapa, horno de adobes). Los
objetivos principales fueron la determinación del rendimiento calórico
(temperaturas alcanzadas y tiempo total de la combustión) de este material
y la observación del aspecto que adquiere la cerámica así cocinada, dados
los conocidos reportes etnográficos de su uso en la cocción de cerámica en
el área andina. La experimentación se realizó en el marco de estudios
generales sobre la producción cerámica en el Valle de Yocavil, aunque esta
información puede ser útil más allá del marco geográfico y cronológico de
nuestro proyecto particular. La cerámica obtenida adquirió en algunos casos
una coloración negra homogénea, mientras que en otros las superficies
quedaron manchadas de forma irregular. Las temperaturas obtenidas fueron en
todos los casos relativamente bajas (no superiores a los 500 °C) y la
cerámica se cocinó únicamente en la experiencia donde se logró la mayor
temperatura. Estos resultados nos alertan sobre los problemas de asumir de
manera acrítica el potencial como combustible del estiércol de llama e
invitan a la discusión y al diseño de nuevas experiencias.
In the city of Santa María, Catamarca Province, Argentina, a series of experiments in ceramic firing were carried out in several different combustion structures (pits with and without covers, and an adobe brick oven) using dry llama dung as a combustible. The main objective of the experiments was the determination of the caloric yield (temperatures reached and total time of combustion) of this material, the employment of which as fuel for ceramic firing is reported in ethnographic data throughout the Andean area. A further goal was to observe the appearance of pottery fired with llama dung in the different structures. The experimentation was carried out within the framework of general studies of pottery production in the Yocavil Valley, although this information could be useful beyond the geographical and chronological context of this particular project. In all the experiments the temperatures reached were relatively low (no more than 500 C), the ceramic was only fully fired in the cases in which the highest temperatures were reached. Combustion was very slow and homogeneous. The ceramic either took on an intense black coloration, both on the surface and in the sherd.s nucleus, or the surfaces were stained in an irregular pattern. These results draw attention to the problem of uncritically accepting the potential of llama dung as fuel, and invite discussion and the design of new experiments.
Fil: Palamarczuk, Valeria. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Argentina.
In the city of Santa María, Catamarca Province, Argentina, a series of experiments in ceramic firing were carried out in several different combustion structures (pits with and without covers, and an adobe brick oven) using dry llama dung as a combustible. The main objective of the experiments was the determination of the caloric yield (temperatures reached and total time of combustion) of this material, the employment of which as fuel for ceramic firing is reported in ethnographic data throughout the Andean area. A further goal was to observe the appearance of pottery fired with llama dung in the different structures. The experimentation was carried out within the framework of general studies of pottery production in the Yocavil Valley, although this information could be useful beyond the geographical and chronological context of this particular project. In all the experiments the temperatures reached were relatively low (no more than 500 C), the ceramic was only fully fired in the cases in which the highest temperatures were reached. Combustion was very slow and homogeneous. The ceramic either took on an intense black coloration, both on the surface and in the sherd.s nucleus, or the surfaces were stained in an irregular pattern. These results draw attention to the problem of uncritically accepting the potential of llama dung as fuel, and invite discussion and the design of new experiments.
Fil: Palamarczuk, Valeria. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Argentina.
Cerámica, Llamas, Camélidos, Santa María, Catamarca, Argentina, Etnografía, Etnoarqueología, Valle de Yocavil, Período tardío, Utilización de estiercol, Estiercol