Condiciones sociolaborales y de salud de trabajadores precarios de México
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El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar la calidad de vida de los trabajos precarios de cantera y ladrillo del municipio de San Luis Potosí y minería artesanal de mercurio en Camargo, Querétaro. Se realizó trabajo de campo y observación no participativa.
Durante el periodo de investigación de campo en 2019-2020 se aplicó un cuestionario a un total de 118 trabajadores. Los datos fueron organizados y tratados con el programa Excel (versión Microsoft Office 365) y analizados dentro del marco de los enfoques de la antropología ambiental y de la vida cotidiana. En ambos contextos, se encontró que los trabajadores presentan un nivel alto de marginación, enfermedades crónicas, inactividad física, consumo de alcohol y tabaco, además de que no cuentan con equipo de protección, de acuerdo con la ocupación, tienen diferentes riesgos laborales. Además, no cuentan con contrato laboral. Aunado a ello, la familia participa en las labores. Los escenarios de precariedad laboral identificados presentaron algunas comorbilidades crónico-degenerativas diagnosticadas, nulo equipo de protección para realizar sus actividades, riesgos laborales y poco acceso a servicios de salud.
Por lo tanto, requieren de esfuerzos y abordajes multidisciplinarios que permitan evaluar, atender y visibilizar sus condiciones con la finalidad de prevenir, intervenir y transformar la precariedad laboral en trabajo decente.
The objective of this work is to compare the quality of life of precarious quarry and brick-kiln workers in the municipality of San Luis Potosí and artisanal mercury mining in Camargo, Querétaro. Field work and non-participatory observation were carried out. During the field research period in 2019-2020, a questionnaire was applied to a total of 118 workers. The data were organized and processed with the Excel program (Microsoft Office 365) and analyzed within the framework of environmental anthropology and everyday-life approaches. In both contexts, it was found that the workers present a high level of marginalization, chronic diseases, physical inactivity, alcohol and tobacco consumption, in addition to the lack of protective equipment. According to the activity performed, they suffer from different occupational hazards. Furthermore, they are not employed under a labor contract, and their families also participate in the work. The identified situations of occupational precariousness presented various diagnosed chronic degenerative comorbidities, lack of protective equipment to perform their activities, occupational hazards and little access to health services. Therefore, multidisciplinary efforts and approaches are required to assess, address and draw attention to their conditions, in order to prevent, intervene and transform labor precariousness into decent work.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica Argentina
The objective of this work is to compare the quality of life of precarious quarry and brick-kiln workers in the municipality of San Luis Potosí and artisanal mercury mining in Camargo, Querétaro. Field work and non-participatory observation were carried out. During the field research period in 2019-2020, a questionnaire was applied to a total of 118 workers. The data were organized and processed with the Excel program (Microsoft Office 365) and analyzed within the framework of environmental anthropology and everyday-life approaches. In both contexts, it was found that the workers present a high level of marginalization, chronic diseases, physical inactivity, alcohol and tobacco consumption, in addition to the lack of protective equipment. According to the activity performed, they suffer from different occupational hazards. Furthermore, they are not employed under a labor contract, and their families also participate in the work. The identified situations of occupational precariousness presented various diagnosed chronic degenerative comorbidities, lack of protective equipment to perform their activities, occupational hazards and little access to health services. Therefore, multidisciplinary efforts and approaches are required to assess, address and draw attention to their conditions, in order to prevent, intervene and transform labor precariousness into decent work.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica Argentina
Ciencias Sociales, Salud, empleo, factores socioeconómicos, salud laboral, riesgos laborales, employment, socioeconomic factors, occupational health, occupational hazards