Estructuras en sitios arqueológicos de la Pampa Interserrana Bonaerense : Casos e implicancias
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Se subraya el alto grado de resolución cronológica que encierran las estructuras arqueológicas y su contribución potencial al esclarecimiento de procesos consumados en lapsos brees. Luego, sobre la base de un estudio de casos, se discute su preservación en la Pampa Interserrana Bonaerense. Seguidamente, se considera el papel de estos contextos en la reconstrucción de las cadenas de procesamiento de los instrumentos líticos y del ambiente del pasado, así como en la datación de extinciones faunísticas. Finalmente, se evalúan técnicas de excavación adecuadas para la aceptación de esta información.
The high degree of stratigraphic resolution of archaeological features and its potential contribution to the clarification of short-time processes is underscored. Several examples of preserved features in the Buenos Aires Pampa are examined. The contribution of these contexts to the reconstruction of lithic reduction chains and to the dating of faunal extinctions, as well as their paleoenvironmental implications, are then considered. Lastly, appropriate excavation techniques for the recovery of the information embodied in features are evaluated.
Sociedad Argentina de Antropología
The high degree of stratigraphic resolution of archaeological features and its potential contribution to the clarification of short-time processes is underscored. Several examples of preserved features in the Buenos Aires Pampa are examined. The contribution of these contexts to the reconstruction of lithic reduction chains and to the dating of faunal extinctions, as well as their paleoenvironmental implications, are then considered. Lastly, appropriate excavation techniques for the recovery of the information embodied in features are evaluated.
Sociedad Argentina de Antropología
Antropología, Pampa Interserrana Bonaerense, arqueología, sitios arqueológicos, Estructuras