Limitaciones a la producción agrícola, estrategias de manejo de terrenos cultivables y ampliación de la dieta en comunidades formativas de la región serrana de la provincia de Córdoba
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Sobre la base de información arqueológica, etnohistórica y geográfica se consideran algunas prácticas desarrolladas por las comunidades agroalfareras serranas tardías de la Provincia de Córdoba en torno a dos ejes. Por una parte, centrándonos en el concepto de riesgo (Halstead y O´Shea 1989; Minc y Smith 1989; Boussman 1993) se analizan las limitaciones que involucra la producción agrícola en el área de estudio. En segundo término, se examinan algunas de las respuestas que las comunidades formativas debieron implementar ante una situación caracterizada por la baja predictibilidad de los recursos derivados de la agricultura. Se discuten, en particular, las estrategias de manejo de los terrenos cultivables y de ampliación de la dieta, así como la relación de ambas estrategias con la movilidad desarrollada por los grupos en cuestión.
Practices developed by late agricultural societies in the ranges of Cordoba Province are considered on the basis of archaeological, ethnographic and geographic information. Two perspectives are applied. On one hand, the limitations involved by agricultural production in the study area are analyzed taking into account the concept of risk (Halstead and O´Shea 1989; Minc and Smith 1989; Boussman 1993). On the other, some of the answers that the Formative communities must have put in practice in a situation characterized by the low predictability of their farming products are examined. Specifically both, strategies related to land management and to a broader diet, as well as their relationship with group mobility are discussed.
Sociedad Argentina de Antropología
Practices developed by late agricultural societies in the ranges of Cordoba Province are considered on the basis of archaeological, ethnographic and geographic information. Two perspectives are applied. On one hand, the limitations involved by agricultural production in the study area are analyzed taking into account the concept of risk (Halstead and O´Shea 1989; Minc and Smith 1989; Boussman 1993). On the other, some of the answers that the Formative communities must have put in practice in a situation characterized by the low predictability of their farming products are examined. Specifically both, strategies related to land management and to a broader diet, as well as their relationship with group mobility are discussed.
Sociedad Argentina de Antropología
Antropología, subsistence strategies, diet, food production, late prehispanic communities, Córdoba ranges, Córdoba (Argentina), Población Indígena, arqueología, Prehispánico tardío, estrategias de subsistencia, dieta, producción de alimentos, comunidades prehispánicas tardías, región serrana de Córdoba