Rótula bipartita y vastus notch: evidencias y posibles causas en cazadores-recolectores de Patagonia Austral
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El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la prevalencia y las posibles causas de la presencia de rótula bipartita (RB) y de vastus notch (VN) en esqueletos humanos del Holoceno tardío (ca. 3500-200 años AP) correspondientes a grupos cazadoresrecolectores terrestres-mixtos y marítimos de la Patagonia Austral (Argentina). La muestra está conformada por 36 rótulas de 22 individuos (15 masculinos y 7 femeninos; 13 adultos jóvenes y 9 adultos medios). Todas las rótulas fueron inspeccionadas macroscópicamente, registrando la morfología, la ubicación y la rugosidad de las concavidades, como así también la presencia de fragmentos óseos. La RB se clasificó según la ubicación de los fragmentos (Tipo I, II o III). Los resultados se evaluaron de acuerdo a la edad, el sexo y la procedencia geográfica de los individuos.
Solo se registró RB de Tipo III, afectando al 13,6% de los esqueletos, todos ellos individuos masculinos de Tierra del Fuego. Por el contrario, el VN se observó en el 22,7% de los individuos, principalmente femeninos, y se distribuyó por igual en los esqueletos de todas las subregiones analizadas. El tipo de RB observado se correspondería a defectos de desarrollo, aunque no se descarta por completo la influencia de traumas y la carga mecánica. Por el contrario, el VN podría estar relacionado con la sobrecarga biomecánica y las demandas posturales. La procedencia geográfica de los individuos, y por lo tanto las estrategias económicas asumidas a partir de ellas, parece no estar relacionada con estos dos rasgos óseos. De este modo, los cazadores-recolectores terrestres-mixtos y marítimos de la Patagonia Austral se vieron igualmente afectados por ambos rasgos anatómicos.
This work aims to study the prevalence and possible causes of bipartite patella (BP) and vastus notch (VN) in late Holocene (ca. 3500-200 years BP) human skeletons of terrestrial- mixed and maritime hunter-gatherers from southern Patagonia (Argentina). The studied sample included 36 patellae of 22 individuals (15 males and 7 females; 13 young adults and 9 middle adults). All patellae were macroscopically inspected. The morphology, location and roughness of their concavities were registered, as well as the presence of bone fragments. BP was classified according to the location of the fragments (Type I, II or III). The results were evaluated by age, sex, and subregion. Only BP Type III was recorded, affecting 13,6 % of the skeletons, all of them males from Tierra del Fuego. In contrast, VN was recorded in 22,7 % of the individuals, mainly females, and it was distributed equally in the skeletons from all the analyzed subregions. The type of BP found seems to be caused by developmental defects, although trauma and mechanical loading cannot be completely ruled out. In contrast, VN could be related to biomechanical overloading and postural demands. The geographical provenance of the individuals, and the economic strategies consequently adopted, seems to be unrelated to these two bone traits. Thus, terrestrial-mixed and maritime hunter-gatherers from southern Patagonia were similarly affected by both BP and VN.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica Argentina
This work aims to study the prevalence and possible causes of bipartite patella (BP) and vastus notch (VN) in late Holocene (ca. 3500-200 years BP) human skeletons of terrestrial- mixed and maritime hunter-gatherers from southern Patagonia (Argentina). The studied sample included 36 patellae of 22 individuals (15 males and 7 females; 13 young adults and 9 middle adults). All patellae were macroscopically inspected. The morphology, location and roughness of their concavities were registered, as well as the presence of bone fragments. BP was classified according to the location of the fragments (Type I, II or III). The results were evaluated by age, sex, and subregion. Only BP Type III was recorded, affecting 13,6 % of the skeletons, all of them males from Tierra del Fuego. In contrast, VN was recorded in 22,7 % of the individuals, mainly females, and it was distributed equally in the skeletons from all the analyzed subregions. The type of BP found seems to be caused by developmental defects, although trauma and mechanical loading cannot be completely ruled out. In contrast, VN could be related to biomechanical overloading and postural demands. The geographical provenance of the individuals, and the economic strategies consequently adopted, seems to be unrelated to these two bone traits. Thus, terrestrial-mixed and maritime hunter-gatherers from southern Patagonia were similarly affected by both BP and VN.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica Argentina
Antropología, Rótula, Defectos de desarrollo, Carga mecánica, Trauma, Holoceno tardío, Patella, Developmental defect, Mechanical loading, Late Holocene