Shifting niches of marine predators due to human exploitation: The diet of the South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) since the late Holocene as a case study

dc.creatorZenteno, Lisette
dc.creatorBorella, Florencia
dc.creatorGomez Otero, Julieta
dc.creatorPiana, Ernesto Luis
dc.creatorBelardi, Juan Bautista
dc.creatorBorrero, Luis Alberto
dc.creatorSaporiti, Fabiana
dc.creatorCardona, Luis
dc.creatorCrespo, Enrique Alberto
dc.descriptionStable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen in archaeological and modern bone samples havebeen used to reconstruct the dietary changes of the South American sea lion Otaria flavescens from the late Holocene to the present in the southwestern Atlantic. We sampled bones from archaeological sites in northern-central and southern Patagonia, Argentina, and bones housed in modern scientific collections. Additionally, we analyzed the stable isotope ratios in ancient and modern shells of intertidal molluscs to explore changes in the isotope baseline and allowcomparison between bone samples from different periods after correction for baseline shifts. Results confirmed the trophic plasticity of the South American sea lion, demonstrated the much larger impact ofmodern exploitation of marine resources as compared with that of hunter-gatherers, and underscored the dissimilarity between the past and modern niches of exploited species. These conclusions are supported by the rather stable diet of SouthAmerican sea lions during severalmillennia of aboriginal exploitation, in both northern-central and southern Patagonia, and the dramatic increase in trophic level observed during the twentieth century. The recent increase in trophic levelmight be related to the smaller population size resulting from modern sealing and the resulting reduced intraspecific competition. These results demonstrate how much can be learned about the ecology of modern species thanks to retrospective studies beyond the current, anthropogenically modified setting where ecosystem structure is totally different from that in the pristine environments where current species evolved.
dc.descriptionFil: Zenteno, Lisette. Universidad de Barcelona; España
dc.descriptionFil: Borella, Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Paleontológicas del Cuaternario Pampeano. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Paleontológicas del Cuaternario Pampeano; Argentina
dc.descriptionFil: Gomez Otero, Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentina
dc.descriptionFil: Piana, Ernesto Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina
dc.descriptionFil: Belardi, Juan Bautista. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral. Unidad Académica Río Gallegos; Argentina
dc.descriptionFil: Borrero, Luis Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas; Argentina
dc.descriptionFil: Saporiti, Fabiana. Universidad de Barcelona; España
dc.descriptionFil: Cardona, Luis. Universidad de Barcelona; España
dc.descriptionFil: Crespo, Enrique Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentina
dc.identifierZenteno, Lisette; Borella, Florencia; Gomez Otero, Julieta; Piana, Ernesto Luis; Belardi, Juan Bautista; et al.; Shifting niches of marine predators due to human exploitation: The diet of the South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) since the late Holocene as a case study; Cambridge University Press; Paleobiology; 41; Supplement 3; 6-2015; 387-401
dc.identifierCONICET Digital
dc.publisherCambridge University Press
dc.subjectOtaria Flavescens
dc.subjectStable Isotopes
dc.subjectTrophic Level
dc.titleShifting niches of marine predators due to human exploitation: The diet of the South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) since the late Holocene as a case study



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