Análisis morfométrico de fracturas vertebrales (La Plata, Argentina)
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Las fracturas vertebrales por compresión se encuentran entre las más frecuentes en mujeres postmenopáusicas. Sin embargo, son escasos los estudios sobre las mismas realizados de manera directa sobre el material esquelético. A partir de esto es que nos propusimos como objetivo determinar la prevalencia de estas fracturas en una población contemporánea a través del análisis osteológico. Fueron observados 39 esqueletos de la Colección Lambre (Argentina), con una media de edad de 56,1 años.
Se relevaron macroscópicamente las vértebras en búsqueda de modificaciones de la altura del cuerpo, para luego realizar una aproximación morfométrica semicuantitativa.
Estos resultados se relacionaron con la calidad ósea de los individuos estimada a partir de radiografías de calcáneo y fémur. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron cuatro individuos con fracturas vertebrales (10,25% de la muestra), correspondiendo dos al sexo masculino (11,1%) y dos al sexo femenino (9,52%), con una media de edad de muerte de 68,5 años. Las ocho vértebras fracturadas corresponden al segmento torácico inferior y lumbar superior, al tiempo que no se observó una relación directa entre las fracturas y la calidad ósea de los individuos. La prevalencia estimada podría estar afectada por sesgos muestrales y por el efecto de medicamentos resortivos.
La baja expresión dimórfica del rasgo se relacionaría con la actividad laboral de los individuos masculinos de la población, a la vez que se corrobora que la calidad ósea no es el único determinante de una fractura vertebral osteoporótica.
Vertebral compression fractures are one of the most frequent types of fractures in postmenopausal women. However, there are few studies on these fractures carried out directly on osteological material. Therefore, the objective of this article is to determine the prevalence of these fractures in a contemporary population through an osteological analysis. For this purpose, 39 skeletons belonging to the Lambre Collection (Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of La Plata) were analyzed. The mean age was 56.1 years. For the diagnosis of fractures, the vertebrae were macroscopically inspected in search of changes in body height, and then a semiquantitative morphometric approximation was carried out. These results were related to the bone quality of the individuals estimated from X-rays of the calcaneus and femur. The results obtained from the morphometric analysis revealed four individuals with vertebral fractures, which comprised 10.25% of the sample. Two of the observed cases corresponded to males (11.1%), and the remaining two to females (9.52%), with a mean age at death of 68.5 years. The eight fractured vertebrae found correspond to the lower thoracic and upper lumbar segment, while no direct relationship was observed between the fractures and the bone quality of the affected individuals. The estimated prevalence could be affected by sample bias and the effect of resorptive drugs. The low dimorphic expression of the trait might be related to the physical activity performed by the male individuals in the population, while corroborating that bone quality is not the only determinant of an osteoporotic vertebral fracture.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica Argentina
Vertebral compression fractures are one of the most frequent types of fractures in postmenopausal women. However, there are few studies on these fractures carried out directly on osteological material. Therefore, the objective of this article is to determine the prevalence of these fractures in a contemporary population through an osteological analysis. For this purpose, 39 skeletons belonging to the Lambre Collection (Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of La Plata) were analyzed. The mean age was 56.1 years. For the diagnosis of fractures, the vertebrae were macroscopically inspected in search of changes in body height, and then a semiquantitative morphometric approximation was carried out. These results were related to the bone quality of the individuals estimated from X-rays of the calcaneus and femur. The results obtained from the morphometric analysis revealed four individuals with vertebral fractures, which comprised 10.25% of the sample. Two of the observed cases corresponded to males (11.1%), and the remaining two to females (9.52%), with a mean age at death of 68.5 years. The eight fractured vertebrae found correspond to the lower thoracic and upper lumbar segment, while no direct relationship was observed between the fractures and the bone quality of the affected individuals. The estimated prevalence could be affected by sample bias and the effect of resorptive drugs. The low dimorphic expression of the trait might be related to the physical activity performed by the male individuals in the population, while corroborating that bone quality is not the only determinant of an osteoporotic vertebral fracture.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica Argentina
Ciencias Médicas, Antropología, osteoporosis, densidad mineral ósea, trabéculas, osteoporosis, bone mineral density, trabeculae