Caracterización y análisis de las puntas de arpón de la Patagonia continental argentina
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En este trabajo se realiza una caracterización de las puntas de arpón provenientes de la Patagonia continental argentina a partir de un relevamiento exhaustivo de las piezas mencionadas en la bibliografía, así como de aquellas depositadas en colecciones de museos y privadas. Para ello se efectuó una descripción de las puntas y se analizaron distintas variables cuali-cuantitativas, como tipo de punta de arpón, estado de conservación, procedencia, materia prima, dimensiones, presencia de marcas (incisiones, grabados, etc.), entre otros. De esta forma se pudo determinar la existencia al menos de 58 puntas de arpón, muchas más que las consideradas hasta la fecha, así como de cuatro morfologías distintas, las cuales se asocian con diferencias en cuanto a materias primas, distribución espacial y, probablemente, funcionalidad. Esto último es discutido mediante analogías con otros contextos en los que se han registrado puntas de arpón, como en el extremo sur de la Patagonia.
In this paper we make a characterization of the harpoon points from continental Patagonia (Argentina) through a comprehensive survey of the cases mentioned in bibliographic records and deposited in public and private collections. In this sense, we make a description of the entire harpoon points registered, considering several qualitative-quantitative variables, such as type of harpoon, provenance, raw materials, dimensions, presence of marks (insicions, engravings), among other variables. As result, we were able to determine the existence of at least 58 pieces of this type, many more than those considered so far as well as four different morphologies, which are associated with differences in raw materials, spatial distribution and probably functionality. Finally, the possible use of this particular type of instruments is discussed by analogy with other archaeological and ethnographic contexts, in which harpoon points have been used, like in the extreme south of Patagonia.
Sociedad Argentina de Antropología
In this paper we make a characterization of the harpoon points from continental Patagonia (Argentina) through a comprehensive survey of the cases mentioned in bibliographic records and deposited in public and private collections. In this sense, we make a description of the entire harpoon points registered, considering several qualitative-quantitative variables, such as type of harpoon, provenance, raw materials, dimensions, presence of marks (insicions, engravings), among other variables. As result, we were able to determine the existence of at least 58 pieces of this type, many more than those considered so far as well as four different morphologies, which are associated with differences in raw materials, spatial distribution and probably functionality. Finally, the possible use of this particular type of instruments is discussed by analogy with other archaeological and ethnographic contexts, in which harpoon points have been used, like in the extreme south of Patagonia.
Sociedad Argentina de Antropología
Antropología, Patagonia (Argentina), cazadores-recolectores, Caza, Armas, arpón