Disponibilidad de materias primas líticas en los valles de los ríos Los Antiguos, Jeinemeni, Zeballos y Ghío (Santa Cruz, Argentina)
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Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar el escenario de recursos líticos aptos para la talla de un sector cordillerano del NO de Santa Cruz que no contaba con dicha caracterización. Es un paisaje rico en cuanto a su geología, en el que abundan los depósitos secundarios. La metodología para su estudio fue formulada a partir de información geológica y geomorfológica volcada en un SIG. Así, se seleccionaron unidades de muestreo ubicadas a lo largo de toda el área, se realizaron identificaciones petrográficas de los nódulos y se analizaron su calidad, forma y tamaño para evaluar su potencial para la talla. Los resultados muestran una gran variabilidad de materias primas. Algunos sectores son grandes concentradores de nódulos de buena calidad para la talla pero de tamaños pequeños, y otros muestran el patrón opuesto. Existen nódulos de calidad, forma y tamaño adecuados para tallar, pero son escasos los que reúnen estas tres cualidades y su ubicación no se limita a algún rasgo particular del paisaje. Esta información, junto con la evidencia arqueológica, permitió discutir el rol del paisaje lítico en las estrategias humanas de aprovisionamiento de rocas. Se sugiere una explotación incidental de los recursos locales y un uso más frecuente de rocas no-locales de áreas cercanas, con amplia disponibilidad y excelente calidad (e.g., obsidiana, variedades de sílices).
The aim of this paper is to present the lithic raw material availability of an Andean range sector of N.W. Santa Cruz province that had no such characterization. It is a rich landscape in terms of its geology where secondary deposits have been generated by different geomorphological processes which have carried rocks throughout the area. The methodology for the study was formulated using geological and geomorphological information that was analyzed into a GIS. Surveys were conducted in most of the area, petrographic identification of nodules was performed and their quality, shape and size were analyzed to assess their potential for knapping. The results show a large variability of raw materials: some sectors are major focus of good quality rocks but of small sizes and others show the opposite pattern. There are nodules of suitable quality, shape and size for knapping, but only few of them meet these three qualities together and moreover their location is not limited to a particular feature of the landscape. This information, along with archaeological evidence, allowed us to discuss the role of lithic landscape in human rocks procurement strategies. As a result, it’s suggested an incidental exploitation of local resources and more frequent use of non-local rocks from nearby areas, with wide availability and excellent quality (e.g., obsidian, silicates).
Fil: Fernández, María Victoria. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Argentina.
The aim of this paper is to present the lithic raw material availability of an Andean range sector of N.W. Santa Cruz province that had no such characterization. It is a rich landscape in terms of its geology where secondary deposits have been generated by different geomorphological processes which have carried rocks throughout the area. The methodology for the study was formulated using geological and geomorphological information that was analyzed into a GIS. Surveys were conducted in most of the area, petrographic identification of nodules was performed and their quality, shape and size were analyzed to assess their potential for knapping. The results show a large variability of raw materials: some sectors are major focus of good quality rocks but of small sizes and others show the opposite pattern. There are nodules of suitable quality, shape and size for knapping, but only few of them meet these three qualities together and moreover their location is not limited to a particular feature of the landscape. This information, along with archaeological evidence, allowed us to discuss the role of lithic landscape in human rocks procurement strategies. As a result, it’s suggested an incidental exploitation of local resources and more frequent use of non-local rocks from nearby areas, with wide availability and excellent quality (e.g., obsidian, silicates).
Fil: Fernández, María Victoria. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Argentina.
Arqueología, Geología, Geomorfología, Petrografía, Rocas, Aprovisionamiento de rocas, Materias primas líticas, Recursos líticos, Región patagónica, Valle del río Los antiguos, Valle del río Jeinemeni, Valle del río Zeballos, Valle del río Ghío, Santa Cruz, Argentina