La Investigación Arqueológica en el Palacio San José - Museo y Monumento Histórico Nacional “Justo José de Urquiza” (Entre Ríos, Argentina)
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Instituto de Arqueología, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Durante el siglo XIX el Palacio San José constituyó la residencia familiar de Justo José de Urquiza, un prestigioso político, militar y hacendado argentino, gobernador de la provincia de Entre Ríos y Presidente de la Confederación Argentina entre 1854 y 1860. La investigación arqueológica realizada en el predio que rodea dicha residencia fue la primera experiencia efectuada en el lugar desde esta disciplina. Articuló la investigación científica académica con una fuerte participación de la comunidad, a través de asociaciones colaborativas con instituciones universitarias asentadas en Concepción del Uruguay y otras instituciones locales, lo cual le otorgó a la práctica arqueológica desarrollada una característica particular. El objetivo general fue identificar y recuperar evidencia presente en tres áreas que rodean al Palacio San José durante el momento de ocupación del sitio en el siglo XIX. Mediante la excavación arqueológica se hallaron restos estructurales, tales como una vereda de ladrillos artesanales, los cimientos de un mirador con un patio con canteros, así como también restos artefactuales (botellas, vidrios, pipas, clavos, etc.) de la vida cotidiana del siglo XIX provenientes de la excavación de un basural. En este artículo se presentan los principales lineamientos de la investigación y los resultados generales alcanzados luego de realizados los trabajos de campo y de gabinete.
During the 19th century, the San José Palace was Justo José de Urquiza’s family residence. He was a prestigious Argentine politician, military man, and landowner, and he also served as Governor of Entre Ríos province and President of the Argentine Confederation between 1854 and 1860. The archaeological research in the property surrounding the residence was the first experience carried out in this place. Articulated scientific research with strong community participation through partnerships with Universities located at Concepción del Uruguay, and other local institutions, gave this archaeological practice a particular characteristic. The general goal was to identify and recover evidence from three areas surrounding San José Palace, which belonged to the site´s occupation in the 19th century. Archaeological excavations yielded several structural remains, such as an artisanal brick sidewalk, and the foundations of a viewpoint that included a courtyard with stone flowerbeds. Also, material remains of everyday life of the 19th century (bottles, glass, pipes, nails, etc.) were found during a dump excavation. This article presents the main research guidelines and the general results achieved after field and laboratory work.
During the 19th century, the San José Palace was Justo José de Urquiza’s family residence. He was a prestigious Argentine politician, military man, and landowner, and he also served as Governor of Entre Ríos province and President of the Argentine Confederation between 1854 and 1860. The archaeological research in the property surrounding the residence was the first experience carried out in this place. Articulated scientific research with strong community participation through partnerships with Universities located at Concepción del Uruguay, and other local institutions, gave this archaeological practice a particular characteristic. The general goal was to identify and recover evidence from three areas surrounding San José Palace, which belonged to the site´s occupation in the 19th century. Archaeological excavations yielded several structural remains, such as an artisanal brick sidewalk, and the foundations of a viewpoint that included a courtyard with stone flowerbeds. Also, material remains of everyday life of the 19th century (bottles, glass, pipes, nails, etc.) were found during a dump excavation. This article presents the main research guidelines and the general results achieved after field and laboratory work.
Artificial lake, Dump, 19th Century, Lago artificial, Basural, Siglo XIX