Patrones de variación morfométrica craneofacial en poblaciones humanas del noroeste de Patagonia durante el Holoceno tardío
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La variación morfológica de las poblaciones humanas que habitaron el actual territorio de la provincia del Neuquén durante el Holoceno tardío, constituye un tema de investigación escasamente explorado hasta el presente. El objeto de éste trabajo es cuantificar el patrón de variación y el grado de disparidad en forma y tamaño facial de las poblaciones humanas del Noroeste de Patagonia durante el Holoceno tardío. Con fines comparativos, se analizaron dos muestras procedentes del Nordeste (Río Negro) y Centro-este (Chubut) de Patagonia, áreas para las que se cuenta con información bioarqueológica y arqueológica detallada. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la muestra de Neuquén presenta diferencias significativas en el patrón de variación en tamaño y forma del esqueleto facial con respecto a las otras dos muestras analizadas. Asimismo, la magnitud de la variación en el tamaño y la forma observada para la muestra de Neuquén resultó particularmente elevada, especialmente al comparar el área de estudio con el Nordeste de Patagonia, una región previamente caracterizada por elevados grados de variación morfológica. La evaluación de los procesos y eventos evolutivos y/o ecológicos que dieron origen a los patrones de variación aquí presentados requiere futuros estudios.
The morphological variation of human populations that inhabited the actual territory of the Neuquén province during the Late Holocene, constitutes an area of research scarcely explored to date. Consequently, the present work aims at quantifying the pattern of variation and the degree of disparity in facial shape and size of the human populations from northwestern Patagonia during the late Holocene. For comparative purposes, we analyzed two samples from northeastern (Río Negro) and Center East (Chubut) Patagonia. These are two areas for which detailed archaeological and bioarchaeological information is available. The results obtained showed that the pattern of craniofacial size and shape variation of the Neuquén sample differed significantly from the other samples here analyzed. Similarly, the magnitude of the variation in size and shape observed for the Neuquén sample was particularly high, especially when comparing with the corresponding results for northeastern Patagonia, a region previously characterized by high degrees of morphological variation. The evaluation of the evolutionary and/or ecologic processes and events which might have originated the patterns presented here, claim for further investigations.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica Argentina
The morphological variation of human populations that inhabited the actual territory of the Neuquén province during the Late Holocene, constitutes an area of research scarcely explored to date. Consequently, the present work aims at quantifying the pattern of variation and the degree of disparity in facial shape and size of the human populations from northwestern Patagonia during the late Holocene. For comparative purposes, we analyzed two samples from northeastern (Río Negro) and Center East (Chubut) Patagonia. These are two areas for which detailed archaeological and bioarchaeological information is available. The results obtained showed that the pattern of craniofacial size and shape variation of the Neuquén sample differed significantly from the other samples here analyzed. Similarly, the magnitude of the variation in size and shape observed for the Neuquén sample was particularly high, especially when comparing with the corresponding results for northeastern Patagonia, a region previously characterized by high degrees of morphological variation. The evaluation of the evolutionary and/or ecologic processes and events which might have originated the patterns presented here, claim for further investigations.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica Argentina
Antropología, Neuquén, Morfología, Esqueleto