Sitios con "hornitos" del Holoceno tardío en el Chaco austral: Colonia Dolores, dpto. San Justo, pcia. de Santa Fe.
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Departamento de Arqueología, Escuela de Antropología, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes
Los “hornitos de tierra cocida” son estructuras píricas subterráneas destinadas, fundamentalmente,
a la cocción de alimentos. Asociadas al ambiente del Espinal, ecotono entre el
Chaco y la Pampa, constituyen testimonios de recorridos pedestres que unían, en la llanura
central argentina, las costas próximas al Paraná con el borde de las Salinas Grandes. Se los
encuentra también en las provincias de Chaco y Formosa, Santiago del Estero y La Rioja.
Son marcadores paisajísticos de primer orden, indicando la extensión del Espinal antes del
cambio climático del 1000-800 a.p. En Colonia Dolores (Departamento San Justo, provincia
de Santa Fe) se localizaron tres sitios con hornitos próximos a la desembocadura del arroyo
Cayastá en el Saladillo Amargo. Se los relevó con GPS, se elaboró un mapa que integra éstos
y otros conjuntos de hornos similares del departamento, y se realizaron fechados radiocarbónicos
que los ubican en torno a los 1000 años a.p.
The baked clay “hornitos” (small furnaces) are pyric subterranean structures designed primarily to cook food. Associated to the Spinal environment, ecotone between Chaco and Pampa, they constitute evidence that links the central plain of Argentina, the coasts near the Paraná and the edge of the Salinas Grandes. They are found in the provinces of Chaco and Formosa, Santiago del Estero and La Rioja. They are landscape markers of a first order, indicating the extent of the climate change Espinal before the 1000-800 b.p. In Colonia Dolores (Department San Justo, Santa Fe) three site hornitos are located next to the mouth of the Cayastá creek in the Saladillo Bitter creek. They were positioned with GPS, a map was developed that integrates these and other similar furnace sets in the department, and radiocarbon dating was performed, placing them around 1000 years b.p.
Fil: Cornero, Silvia - Escuela de Antropología y Museo Universitario F. y C. Ameghino, FCEIA, UNR.
Fil: del Río, Paula - Museo Universitario F. y C. Ameghino FCEIA, UNR.
Fil: Ceruti, Carlos - CONICET, Museo Cs. Nat. y Antropológicas “Prof. A. Serrano” (Paraná).
The baked clay “hornitos” (small furnaces) are pyric subterranean structures designed primarily to cook food. Associated to the Spinal environment, ecotone between Chaco and Pampa, they constitute evidence that links the central plain of Argentina, the coasts near the Paraná and the edge of the Salinas Grandes. They are found in the provinces of Chaco and Formosa, Santiago del Estero and La Rioja. They are landscape markers of a first order, indicating the extent of the climate change Espinal before the 1000-800 b.p. In Colonia Dolores (Department San Justo, Santa Fe) three site hornitos are located next to the mouth of the Cayastá creek in the Saladillo Bitter creek. They were positioned with GPS, a map was developed that integrates these and other similar furnace sets in the department, and radiocarbon dating was performed, placing them around 1000 years b.p.
Fil: Cornero, Silvia - Escuela de Antropología y Museo Universitario F. y C. Ameghino, FCEIA, UNR.
Fil: del Río, Paula - Museo Universitario F. y C. Ameghino FCEIA, UNR.
Fil: Ceruti, Carlos - CONICET, Museo Cs. Nat. y Antropológicas “Prof. A. Serrano” (Paraná).
Hornos subterráneos, Holoceno tardío, Arqueología de Santa Fe