La evidencia molecular del poblamiento humano de América
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Se revisan someramente los aportes de la arqueología, la lingüística histórica y la bioantropología al estudio del origen de las poblaciones nativas americanas, y se profundiza en aquellos aspectos derivados del estudio de la información albergada en macromoléculas biológicas, recuperada tanto a partir de individuos contemporáneos como de individuos antiguos. Diversas líneas de evidencia confirman el origen asiático y reciente de las poblaciones indígenas americanas, como así también su escasa diversidad genética relativa.
The contributions of Archaeology, Historical Linguistics and Bioanthropology to the study of the origin of Native Americans are briefly reviewed, and a more deep coverage is given to those studies based on information retrieved from biological macromolecules derived from both extant and extinct individuals. Different lines of evidence confirm the Asiatic affinities and the recent origin of the indigenous American populations, as well as its relatively low genetic diversity.
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo
The contributions of Archaeology, Historical Linguistics and Bioanthropology to the study of the origin of Native Americans are briefly reviewed, and a more deep coverage is given to those studies based on information retrieved from biological macromolecules derived from both extant and extinct individuals. Different lines of evidence confirm the Asiatic affinities and the recent origin of the indigenous American populations, as well as its relatively low genetic diversity.
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo
Ciencias Naturales, antropología biológica, Américas, poblamiento americano, amerindios, ADN mitocondrial, cromosoma Y, peopling of America, Amerindians, mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome