Primeros estudios sobre fluorosis dental en poblaciones arqueológicas de la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina)
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El fluoruro (F-) posee propiedades de gran interés en relación con la salud humana. En concentraciones menores a 1mgF-/L favorece la mineralización de los tejidos duros.
Sin embargo, la ingesta prolongada de agua con concentraciones superiores a 1 mg F-/L produce el cuadro clínico denominado fluorosis. En la provincia de Córdoba, estudios en poblaciones actuales detectaron esta patología en diferentes localidades.
Los valores más elevados de F-en agua se hallaron en las zonas sur, noroeste y noreste, en contraste con los de la zona centro-oeste, lo cual permitió delimitar zonas con alto contenido de fluoruro en los cursos hídricos. Este trabajo se propone evaluar el impacto de la fluorosis dental en restos humanos de sitios arqueológicos de la provincia y relacionarlo con el contenido de F-en las aguas de regiones cercanas a los hallazgos. Se analizaron 38 individuos (27 masculinos y 11 femeninos) de diferentes regiones de la provincia de Córdoba y se registraron indicadores de fluorosis dental como hipoplasias y alteraciones en la coloración del esmalte. Además, se relevaron las frecuencias de caries, los restos radiculares, las fracturas del esmalte, las secuelas de procesos periapicales y el estado de las tablas alveolares, para evaluar la salud bucal de los individuos. Los resultados muestran que 21 individuos (55,3%) presentan signos de fluorosis dental, 13 masculinos (34,2%) y 8 femeninos (21,0%). La procedencia de los individuos afectados sugiere una relativa correspondencia con resultados de estudios clínicos actuales y con los niveles de fluoruros en las aguas de la provincia.
Fluoride (F-) has properties of great interest in relation to human health. In concentrations lower than 1mgF-/L it favors hard tissue mineralization. However, chronic intake of water with concentrations greater than 1 mg F-/L produces fluorosis. In the province of Córdoba, studies in current populations detected this pathology in different localities. The highest values of F- in water were found in the southern, northwestern and northeastern regions, in contrast to those of the central-western region, which made it possible to delimit zones with high fluoride content in watercourses. This work aims to evaluate the impact of dental fluorosis in human remains from archaeological sites in the province and relate it to the F- content in the waters of regions surrounding the findings. Thirty-eight individuals (27 male and 11 female) from different regions of the province of Córdoba were analyzed and indicators of dental fluorosis such as hypoplasia and alterations in enamel color were recorded. In addition, the frequencies of caries, root remains, enamel fractures, sequelae of periapical processes and the condition of the alveolar tables were surveyed, to assess the individuals’ oral health. The results show that 21 individuals (55,3%) have signs of dental fluorosis, 13 males (34,2%) and 8 females (21,0%). The origin of the affected individuals suggests a relative correspondence with the results of current clinical studies and with the levels of fluoride in the waters of the province.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica Argentina
Fluoride (F-) has properties of great interest in relation to human health. In concentrations lower than 1mgF-/L it favors hard tissue mineralization. However, chronic intake of water with concentrations greater than 1 mg F-/L produces fluorosis. In the province of Córdoba, studies in current populations detected this pathology in different localities. The highest values of F- in water were found in the southern, northwestern and northeastern regions, in contrast to those of the central-western region, which made it possible to delimit zones with high fluoride content in watercourses. This work aims to evaluate the impact of dental fluorosis in human remains from archaeological sites in the province and relate it to the F- content in the waters of regions surrounding the findings. Thirty-eight individuals (27 male and 11 female) from different regions of the province of Córdoba were analyzed and indicators of dental fluorosis such as hypoplasia and alterations in enamel color were recorded. In addition, the frequencies of caries, root remains, enamel fractures, sequelae of periapical processes and the condition of the alveolar tables were surveyed, to assess the individuals’ oral health. The results show that 21 individuals (55,3%) have signs of dental fluorosis, 13 males (34,2%) and 8 females (21,0%). The origin of the affected individuals suggests a relative correspondence with the results of current clinical studies and with the levels of fluoride in the waters of the province.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica Argentina
Antropología, Löess, Fluorapatita, Hipoplasias, Enfermedad endémica, Hipocalcificaciones, Loess, Fluorapatite, Endemic disease, Hypoplasiae, Hypocalcifications