Variación regional del peso al nacimiento en la provincia de Santa Cruz (Argentina)
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Como parte del interés de evaluar el comportamiento del Peso al Nacimiento (PN) en distintos contextos ecológicos, en este trabajo se analiza la variación regional de esta variable antropométrica en la provincia de Santa Cruz y su relación con factores biológicos gestacionales. La provincia de Santa Cruz presenta dos grandes unidades ambientales: Cordillerana y Meseta-Costa. Los datos de PN procedieron de los Informes Estadísticos de Nacidos Vivos (período 1990-1999) (n=39632). Las variables consideradas fueron PN, lugar de nacimiento, sexo, edad gestacional, edad materna y paridad. Las diferencias interregionales del PN, expresadas mediante un análisis de varianza, no fueron estadísticamente significativas. En ambas regiones se observó dimorfismo sexual. El PN no mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas por paridad ni por edad materna. En ambos sexos se observó un comportamiento diferencial del patrón de crecimiento fetal entre regiones que se caracterizan porque a partir de las 37 semanas de gestación, el incremento promedio del PN por semana fue mayor en la Región Cordillerana que en la Meseta-Costa. Los resultados encontrados en este trabajo pondrían de manifiesto que las características geográficas y climáticas de las dos principales unidades ecológicas de la provincia no influirían en la variación del PN. Probablemente, la relativa y favorable homogeneidad del espacio socioeconómico provincial contribuya a disminuir el efecto de las condiciones climáticas adversas que caracterizan a esta provincia. Las diferencias interregionales en el patrón de crecimiento fetal podrían deberse a diversos factores biológicos y ambientales que deben ser explorados con un diseño de muestreo que permita verificar este hallazgo y obtener la información necesaria para explicarlo.
As part of an interest in assessing the behavior of birth-weight (BW) in wide-ranging ecological contexts, this study analyzes the regional variation of this anthropometric variable in Santa Cruz province and its relation to gestational biological factors. Santa Cruz province presents two large environmental areas: Andean and Plateau-Coastal ones. BW data proceeded from Statistical Reports on Born Alive Babies (for the 1990-1999 period) (n = 39632). Variables taken into account were birth weight, birth place, sex, gestational age, maternal age and parity. BW interregional differences, expressed by means of variance analysis, were not statistically significant. Sexual dimorphism was observed in both regions. BW did not show statistically significant differences in parity or maternal age. Differential behavior was observed in the fetal growth pattern in both sexes between regions characterized because as from 37 gestation weeks, BW weekly average increase was bigger in the Andean Region than in the Plateau-Coastal one. Results obtained in the present study would evidence that geographical and weather characteristics of the two main ecological units of this province would not influence BW variation. Probably the relative and favorable homogeneity of the provincial socioeconomic capacity contributes to diminish the effect of adverse weather conditions typical of this province. Interregional differences in fetal growth pattern might be due to various biological and environmental factors to be explored with a sample design that may allow verifying this finding and obtaining the information required to explain it.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentina (AABRA)
As part of an interest in assessing the behavior of birth-weight (BW) in wide-ranging ecological contexts, this study analyzes the regional variation of this anthropometric variable in Santa Cruz province and its relation to gestational biological factors. Santa Cruz province presents two large environmental areas: Andean and Plateau-Coastal ones. BW data proceeded from Statistical Reports on Born Alive Babies (for the 1990-1999 period) (n = 39632). Variables taken into account were birth weight, birth place, sex, gestational age, maternal age and parity. BW interregional differences, expressed by means of variance analysis, were not statistically significant. Sexual dimorphism was observed in both regions. BW did not show statistically significant differences in parity or maternal age. Differential behavior was observed in the fetal growth pattern in both sexes between regions characterized because as from 37 gestation weeks, BW weekly average increase was bigger in the Andean Region than in the Plateau-Coastal one. Results obtained in the present study would evidence that geographical and weather characteristics of the two main ecological units of this province would not influence BW variation. Probably the relative and favorable homogeneity of the provincial socioeconomic capacity contributes to diminish the effect of adverse weather conditions typical of this province. Interregional differences in fetal growth pattern might be due to various biological and environmental factors to be explored with a sample design that may allow verifying this finding and obtaining the information required to explain it.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentina (AABRA)
Antropología, variación regional, Peso Corporal, Santa Cruz (Argentina), Recién Nacido