La producción de alfarería Belén del Valle de Hualfín (provincia de Catamarca, Argentina) : un acercamiento a partir de la petrografía cerámica
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Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
Se presentan los resultados del análisis petrográfico de 69 cortes delgados de cerámica Belén del Valle de Hualfín como un aporte para el estudio de las prácticas alfareras y de la organización de su producción. La muestra se obtuvo en seis poblados arqueológicos ubicados cronológicamente entre los siglos XIV y XVI. Se registran diferentes atributos de la pasta y se cuantifican las inclusiones en los niveles composicional y textural. Los datos expresados como porcentajes se analizan utilizando métodos estadísticos para datos composicionales y la búsqueda de grupos se realiza con análisis cluster. La muestra mayoritaria está compuesta por sedimentos arenosos que llevan a considerar pautas de producción no estandarizadas pero relativamente estructuradas. Los escasos ejemplares con tiesto molido y con altas proporciones de fragmentos pumíceos permiten discutir su producción en el contexto de las interacciones entre poblaciones en la escala regional y de la expansión del Estado inkaico.
The results of the petrographic analysis of 69 thin sections of Belén ceramics from Valle de Hualfín are presented as a contribution to the study of pottery practices and the organization of production. The sample was obtained from six archaeological sites located chronologically between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. Different attributes of the paste were recorded and the inclusions in the compositional and textural levels quantified. The data expressed as percentages were analyzed using statistical methods for compositional data and the search for significant groups was carried out through cluster analysis. Most of the sample consists of sandy sediments, which might indicate nonstandardized production but with a relatively structured pattern. There are few specimens with grog and with high proportions of pumiceous fragments, which enables a discussion of their production in the contexts of interactions between populations on a regional scale and the expansion of the Inka state.
Fil: Iucci, María Emilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Argentina.
Fil: Alperin, Marta. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Argentina.
The results of the petrographic analysis of 69 thin sections of Belén ceramics from Valle de Hualfín are presented as a contribution to the study of pottery practices and the organization of production. The sample was obtained from six archaeological sites located chronologically between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. Different attributes of the paste were recorded and the inclusions in the compositional and textural levels quantified. The data expressed as percentages were analyzed using statistical methods for compositional data and the search for significant groups was carried out through cluster analysis. Most of the sample consists of sandy sediments, which might indicate nonstandardized production but with a relatively structured pattern. There are few specimens with grog and with high proportions of pumiceous fragments, which enables a discussion of their production in the contexts of interactions between populations on a regional scale and the expansion of the Inka state.
Fil: Iucci, María Emilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Argentina.
Fil: Alperin, Marta. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Argentina.
Argentina, Catamarca, Valle de Hualfín, Cerámica Belén, Petrografía, Alfarería, Siglo XIV, Siglo XVI, Arqueología, Producción alfarera