Linajes mitocondriales en muestras de Esquina de Huajra (Jujuy, Argentina) : Aportes al estudio de la ocupación incaica en la región y la procedencia de sus habitantes
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El sitio arqueológico Esquina de Huajra (centrosur de la Quebrada de Humahuaca) corresponde a una instalación ubicada cronológicamente en la Fase Inca (ca. 500-420 AP) y la tradicionalmente asignada en el noroeste argentino como Hispano Indígena o de primeros contactos con el español (ca. 420-320 AP). Enmarcado en la política económica incaica, habría sido clave en la explotación y distribución de bienes procedentes de las Yungas Orientales. Además, su cultura material sugiere importantes redes de interacción con las tierras altas, planteando interrogantes sobre la conformación poblacional de sus habitantes.En este trabajo se analizan los linajes maternos de individuos de Esquina de Huajra en comparación con otros sitios del centro-sur andino para evaluar su posible origen foráneo, considerando que el reasentamiento de poblaciones fue una práctica imperial recurrente. El ADN fue extraído de piezas dentales de 6 individuos. Se secuenció la Región Hipervariable I del ADN mitocondrial en cuatro individuos hallándose dos A2 y dos C1. La ausencia de B2 discrepa con lo descripto para gran parte de los sitios andinos, donde este haplogrupo es mayoritario.
Dos de los cuatro haplotipos se comparten únicamente con otros sitios de la Quebrada de Humahuaca del Período de Desarrollos Regionales (Los Amarillos y San José); pero una variante nodal C1 fue reportada tanto en Juella como en sitios peruanos preincaicos e incaicos. Estos resultados representan un primer aporte al estudio genético de los habitantes de Esquina de Huajra y una evidencia más de los complejos procesos poblacionales en la región andina.
The archaeological site Esquina de Huajra (south-central area of the Quebrada de Humahuaca) is a location chronologically assigned to the Inca phase (ca. 500-420 AP) and to the Hispanic-indigenous phase or initial period of contact with the Spanish (ca. 420-320 AP). In the context of the Incaic economic system, Esquina de Huajra may have been a key settlement in the exploitation and distribution of goods from the eastern forests (Yungas). In addition, its material culture suggests major interaction networks with the highlands, raising questions about its inhabitants’ origin. In this work maternal lineages of individuals from Esquina de Huajra were analyzed in comparison to other sites in southcentral Andes to assess possible foreign origins, considering that population resettlement under Inca dominion was a common practice. DNA was extracted from the teeth of six individuals and mitochondrial hypervariable region I (HVRI) was successfully sequenced in four samples, resulting in two of them assigned to lineage A2 and the other two to C1. Absence of B2 disagrees with data from most Andean sites, where this lineage is the most frequent. Two of the four haplotypes are only shared with individuals from other sites located in Quebrada de Humahuaca (Los Amarillos and San Jose), and a nodal C1 variant was reported in samples from Juella and several pre-Inca and Inca Peruvian sites. These results represent the first contribution to genetic studies on the population of Esquina de Huajra and are also further evidence of the complex population processes in the Andean region.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentina (AABRA)
The archaeological site Esquina de Huajra (south-central area of the Quebrada de Humahuaca) is a location chronologically assigned to the Inca phase (ca. 500-420 AP) and to the Hispanic-indigenous phase or initial period of contact with the Spanish (ca. 420-320 AP). In the context of the Incaic economic system, Esquina de Huajra may have been a key settlement in the exploitation and distribution of goods from the eastern forests (Yungas). In addition, its material culture suggests major interaction networks with the highlands, raising questions about its inhabitants’ origin. In this work maternal lineages of individuals from Esquina de Huajra were analyzed in comparison to other sites in southcentral Andes to assess possible foreign origins, considering that population resettlement under Inca dominion was a common practice. DNA was extracted from the teeth of six individuals and mitochondrial hypervariable region I (HVRI) was successfully sequenced in four samples, resulting in two of them assigned to lineage A2 and the other two to C1. Absence of B2 disagrees with data from most Andean sites, where this lineage is the most frequent. Two of the four haplotypes are only shared with individuals from other sites located in Quebrada de Humahuaca (Los Amarillos and San Jose), and a nodal C1 variant was reported in samples from Juella and several pre-Inca and Inca Peruvian sites. These results represent the first contribution to genetic studies on the population of Esquina de Huajra and are also further evidence of the complex population processes in the Andean region.
Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentina (AABRA)
Antropología, Quebrada de Humahuaca, ADN, Jujuy (Argentina), Haplotipos, período incaico