Estudios antracológicos en abrigos rocosos de la costa norte de Santa Cruz (Patagonia, Argentina): análisis de los sitios El Oriental y Alero 4
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Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
En este trabajo se presentan los análisis realizados sobre los restos antracológicos recuperados en fogones de los abrigos rocosos Alero El Oriental y Alero 4, emplazados en la costa norte de Santa Cruz (Patagonia, Argentina). Se discute la funcionalidad de las áreas de combustión en cada sitio a partir de su asociación arqueológica y los taxa identificados. Se realiza un estudio comparativo en función de la densidad relativa porcentual de los carbones y las características de los taxa de cada fogón. Para la identificación de los macrorrestos se realizó una colección de referencia de cortes histológicos, la carbonización experimental de leños y se calculó la densidad de las maderas disponibles en el área. En los fogones analizados se identificaron taxa de baja, media y alta densidad: Senecio/Baccharis, Adesmia, Discaria, cf. Lycium, Lycium, Schinus, Berberis y Atriplex/Suaeda . Las tendencias registradas se evalúan en el marco de las discusiones sobre la utilización de los abrigos rocosos dentro de los rangos de acción de los grupos cazadores recolectores que ocuparon el área durante el Holoceno medio y tardío. Los resultados contribuyen a la discusión sobre la funcionalidad de los abrigos rocosos y su reocupación en distintos momentos.
In this paper analyzes performed on anthracological remains recovered on hearths from El Oriental and Alero 4 rock shelters (North Coast of Santa Cruz, Patagonia Argentina) are presented. We discuss the functionality of the combustion areas on each site considering its archaeological association and taxa identified. A comparative study was made based on the relative density of charcoals and the characteristics of the taxa registered on each hearth. The general trends identified are assessed regarding the discussions on the home range of the hunter gatherers populations who use the rock shelters during the middle and late Holocene. In order to identify anthracological macro remains, a reference collection was performed considering histological sections, density logs of wood available in the area and an experimental carbonization. On the analyzed hearths, taxa of low, medium and high density were identified, such as Senecio/Baccharis, Adesmia, Discaria, cf. Lycium, Lycium, Schinus, Berberis y Atriplex/Suaeda. Results contribute to discuss the functionality of rock shelters in the NCSC and also in a general way, in Patagonia; moreover, constitute an advance in the knowledge of the way that some archaeological sites were reoccupied during different chronological times.
In this paper analyzes performed on anthracological remains recovered on hearths from El Oriental and Alero 4 rock shelters (North Coast of Santa Cruz, Patagonia Argentina) are presented. We discuss the functionality of the combustion areas on each site considering its archaeological association and taxa identified. A comparative study was made based on the relative density of charcoals and the characteristics of the taxa registered on each hearth. The general trends identified are assessed regarding the discussions on the home range of the hunter gatherers populations who use the rock shelters during the middle and late Holocene. In order to identify anthracological macro remains, a reference collection was performed considering histological sections, density logs of wood available in the area and an experimental carbonization. On the analyzed hearths, taxa of low, medium and high density were identified, such as Senecio/Baccharis, Adesmia, Discaria, cf. Lycium, Lycium, Schinus, Berberis y Atriplex/Suaeda. Results contribute to discuss the functionality of rock shelters in the NCSC and also in a general way, in Patagonia; moreover, constitute an advance in the knowledge of the way that some archaeological sites were reoccupied during different chronological times.
Anthracology, Antracología, Abrigos rocosos, Cazadores recolectores, Hunter gatherers, Patagonia., Rock shelters