Los arcabuceados de Netagranpac Lpatáge. Arqueología del conflicto en el Chaco Austral, sitio El Camping, Pájaro Blanco, Alejandra, Santa Fe.
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Centro de Estudios de Arqueología Histórica. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Universidad Nacional de Rosario
El Camping se emplaza en un albardón del rio San Javier, situado en la localidad de Alejandra, donde se recuperaron enterratorios, que afloraban en superficie en un NMI de 17 individuos, asociados a tiestos simples, diseñados, y modelados zoo-mórficos característicos de Goya Malabrigo. Los fechados indican una antigüedad de 180±70 AP, y de 290±70 años AP. Presentamos un caso de arqueología de con-flicto basado en el análisis forense, por observación y aplicación de técnicas de diagnóstico por imágenes: Rx y Tomografía 3D. Se evidenciaron lesiones traumá-ticas y lesiones por proyectiles de armas de fuego en al menos dos cráneos. Por la documentación histórica la región del Pájaro Blanco ha constituido un escenario bélico fronterizo. La evidencia osteológica expone un contexto de violencia, con muertes intencionales y suma al estudio de enfrentamientos dispares por conflictos de frontera, desde una visión orientada a contribuir a la comprensión de los proce-sos sociales compartidos en la historia nacional y americana.
The Camping is located in a river levee San Javier, Alejandra town where burials were recovered, which came to surface, of an NMI of 17 individuals associated with simple pots, designed and modeled zoomorphic characteristic of Goya Ma-labrigo. The dating indicates an age of 180±70 BP, and 290 ±70 years BP. We show a case of archaeological conflict based on the forensic analysis, observation and application of radiographer and medical imaging technologist. Defensive trau-matic injuries such as impacts of projectiles, inflicted by firearms, in at least two skulls were noted. For historical documentation the border region of the White Bird, has been a theater of war. The osteological evidence exposes a context of violence, with intentional deaths, and adds to the study of disparate clashes over border disputes, from a strategy to contribute to the understanding of social pro-cesses shared national vision and American history.
Fil: Cornero, Silvia. Museo Universitario. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina.
Fil: Fontenla, Eduardo. Policía Científica, Provincia de Santa Fe; Argentina.
The Camping is located in a river levee San Javier, Alejandra town where burials were recovered, which came to surface, of an NMI of 17 individuals associated with simple pots, designed and modeled zoomorphic characteristic of Goya Ma-labrigo. The dating indicates an age of 180±70 BP, and 290 ±70 years BP. We show a case of archaeological conflict based on the forensic analysis, observation and application of radiographer and medical imaging technologist. Defensive trau-matic injuries such as impacts of projectiles, inflicted by firearms, in at least two skulls were noted. For historical documentation the border region of the White Bird, has been a theater of war. The osteological evidence exposes a context of violence, with intentional deaths, and adds to the study of disparate clashes over border disputes, from a strategy to contribute to the understanding of social pro-cesses shared national vision and American history.
Fil: Cornero, Silvia. Museo Universitario. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina.
Fil: Fontenla, Eduardo. Policía Científica, Provincia de Santa Fe; Argentina.
Arqueología del conflicto, Forense, Pájaro Blanco, Frontera, Conflict archeology, Forensic, White Bird