Arqueología del valle inferior del río Colorado. El sitio La Primavera
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Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad
de Ciencias Sociales
Se presentan los principales resultados de las investigaciones
arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en el sitio La Primavera (Partido de
Villarino, provincia de Buenos Aires). El sitio fue hallado en 1997 cuando,
durante la canalización del campo, huesos humanos y otros restos
arqueológicos fueron removidos de su posición estratigráfica y quedaron
expuestos. A partir de la información recuperada de transectas y de sondeos
estratigráficos, se discute la distribución artefactual superficial, la
delimitación del sitio, así como los procesos naturales y culturales que
contribuyeron a la formación del registro. Además se describen los
entierros y restos humanos aislados, su cronología e información isotópica.
Finalmente se realiza la caracterización tecnológica de los artefactos
líticos y del abastecimiento de materias primas y se reseñan los restos
faunísticos y malacológicos. Aunque el estudio del sitio está en una etapa
preliminar, varios factores como la riqueza y variabilidad de los
artefactos, así como la presencia de restos humanos hacen que la
información sea relevante para un área con escasos datos arqueológicos. Se
analiza la variabilidad y la cronología de las modalidades de entierro en
el ámbito sur pampeano y norpatagónico antes del contacto, comparando la
información del valle inferior del río Colorado con áreas aledañas.
The preliminary results of the archaeological investigations carried out at La Primavera site (Villarino district, Buenos Aires Province) are presented. The site was discovered in 1997 when human bones and archaeological materials were exposed during the excavation of irrigation channels. Two incomplete human burials were recorded at that moment as part of a rescue strategy. The archaeological research was continued during 2000 when stratigraphic test-pits were dug and surface transects were performed. The information recovered is here used to address aspects associated with site boundaries and artifact distribution throughout the area, as well as cultural and natural formation processes. This paper also includes information on: burials and isolated human bones, chronology, lithic raw material availability and technology, faunal remains and isotope information. The chronology of La Primavera site at the beginning of the late Holocene (ca. 3000 BP) and its location in the ecotone zone of the lower basin of the Colorado river leads to the comparison of results with those from sites of the neighboring areas, such as the Southern Pampean region (Buenos Aires province) and North Patagonia (Río Negro and Chubut provinces). In this regard, certain aspects such as modalities in human burials and chronological information between the areas mentioned above are compared in order to shed new light on the social processes of late Holocene Pampean and Patagonian populations.
Fil: Bayón, Cristina. Universidad Nacional del Sur; Argentina.
Fil: Martínez, Gustavo A. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina.
Fil: Armentano, Gabriela. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina.
Fil: Scabuzzo, Clara. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina.
The preliminary results of the archaeological investigations carried out at La Primavera site (Villarino district, Buenos Aires Province) are presented. The site was discovered in 1997 when human bones and archaeological materials were exposed during the excavation of irrigation channels. Two incomplete human burials were recorded at that moment as part of a rescue strategy. The archaeological research was continued during 2000 when stratigraphic test-pits were dug and surface transects were performed. The information recovered is here used to address aspects associated with site boundaries and artifact distribution throughout the area, as well as cultural and natural formation processes. This paper also includes information on: burials and isolated human bones, chronology, lithic raw material availability and technology, faunal remains and isotope information. The chronology of La Primavera site at the beginning of the late Holocene (ca. 3000 BP) and its location in the ecotone zone of the lower basin of the Colorado river leads to the comparison of results with those from sites of the neighboring areas, such as the Southern Pampean region (Buenos Aires province) and North Patagonia (Río Negro and Chubut provinces). In this regard, certain aspects such as modalities in human burials and chronological information between the areas mentioned above are compared in order to shed new light on the social processes of late Holocene Pampean and Patagonian populations.
Fil: Bayón, Cristina. Universidad Nacional del Sur; Argentina.
Fil: Martínez, Gustavo A. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina.
Fil: Armentano, Gabriela. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina.
Fil: Scabuzzo, Clara. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina.
Arqueología, Valle inferior del río Colorado, La Primavera, Villarino, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Restos arqueológicos, Cazadores-recolectores, Holoceno tardío, Prácticas mortuorias