Pastas cerámicas y muestras de arenas: comparación petrográ ca y aproximación a la obtención de materias primas en la cuenca sur de Pozuelos (Jujuy, Argentina)
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Instituto de Arqueología, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires
A fin de realizar una primera aproximación a la procedencia de materias primas cerámicas de la cuenca sur de Pozuelos, se realizan comparaciones petrográficas entre pastas cerámicas, analizadas en trabajos previos, y muestras de arena procedentes del área de estudio. Las mismas fueron preparadas y estudiadas tanto en lupa binocular como en microscopio petrográfico, considerando atributos semejantes a los observados sobre las pastas cerámicas. Asimismo, se revisó la literatura geológica del área. Las comparaciones realizadas permiten hipotetizar que un conjunto de pastas cerámicas, abarcando varios grupos de pastas de composiciones relacionadas, habrían sido manufacturados con materias primas locales, dada la similitud en las características petrográficas de sus inclusiones y los clastos de las arenas. Otro conjunto, relacionado al estilo Yavi, sería no local para el sur de Pozuelos. Finalmente, un conjunto menor de pastas serían de momentos posteriores al contacto hispano indígena y también probablemente no locales.
With the aim of undertaking a rst assessment of ceramic raw material procurement in the southern Pozuelos Basin, we present petrographic comparisons between ceramic pastes, analyzed in previous contributions, and sand samples from the study area. e samples were prepared and studied using a binocular magnifying glass, as well as under a petrographic microscope, taking into consideration similar elements to those observed on the ceramic pastes. e geological literature for the study area was also reviewed. Results allow us to suggest that a set of ceramic paste groups with related compositions, were manufactured using local raw materials. is was done on the similarities observed in the petrographic characteristics of their inclusions, and those of the sand particles. Another set, related to the Yavi style, was probably non-local to the southern Pozuelos Basin. Finally, a small set of paste groups belonged to the post- Hispanic period, and were probably non-local too.
With the aim of undertaking a rst assessment of ceramic raw material procurement in the southern Pozuelos Basin, we present petrographic comparisons between ceramic pastes, analyzed in previous contributions, and sand samples from the study area. e samples were prepared and studied using a binocular magnifying glass, as well as under a petrographic microscope, taking into consideration similar elements to those observed on the ceramic pastes. e geological literature for the study area was also reviewed. Results allow us to suggest that a set of ceramic paste groups with related compositions, were manufactured using local raw materials. is was done on the similarities observed in the petrographic characteristics of their inclusions, and those of the sand particles. Another set, related to the Yavi style, was probably non-local to the southern Pozuelos Basin. Finally, a small set of paste groups belonged to the post- Hispanic period, and were probably non-local too.
Ceramic pastes, Raw material, Jujuy Puna, Petrography, Late Period, Colonial Period, Pastas cerámicas, Materias primas, Puna de Jujuy, Petrografía, Período Tardío, Período Colonial