Adoratorios de altura y dominación incaica en el Alto Loa, norte de Chile
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Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
Los adoratorios de altura constituyen una de las principales expresiones de la dominación incaica en el Collasuyu relacionadas con la manipulación ideológica de creencias y prácticas religiosas locales. Prospecciones realizadas en los cerros Colorado, Palpana y Miño en la región del Alto Loa (Región de Antofagasta, Chile) han permitido comprobar la existencia de adoratorios de altura inéditos en los últimos dos cerros. En este trabajo se realiza una caracterización de los hallazgos y, a partir de estos datos, se analizan aspectos relativos a su cronología, la logística de los ascensos y la naturaleza de las actividades realizadas en las cumbres. A fin de intentar explicar el rol de estos sitios en el contexto de la dominación incaica, se examinan las posibles relaciones que a nivel de actividades productivas (particularmente minero-metalúrgicas) y ceremoniales podrían haber existido entre el culto a los cerros y la ocupación de las instalaciones incaicas más importantes del área.
Mountain shrines are one of the most important expressions of Inca domination across the Collasuyu related to the ideological manipulation of local religious beliefs and practices. Recent archaeological surveys conducted on the Colorado, Palpana, and Miño mountains in the Alto Loa region (Antofagasta Region, Chile) have proved the existence of high-altitude shrines, not previously documented on the latter two. In this article descriptions of the finds are presented and, building on the data recovered, topics related to their chronology, the logistics of climbing, and the types of activities conducted at the summits are discussed. In order to explain the role of these shrines within the context of the Inca control of the region, possible relationships between mountain worship and the occupation of major Inca facilities associated with state mining-metallurgical operations are examined.
Fil: Cantarutti R., Gabriel. University of Illinois at Chicago; Estados Unidos.
Fil: Salazar S., Diego. Universidad de Chile. Universidad Católica del Norte; Chile.
Mountain shrines are one of the most important expressions of Inca domination across the Collasuyu related to the ideological manipulation of local religious beliefs and practices. Recent archaeological surveys conducted on the Colorado, Palpana, and Miño mountains in the Alto Loa region (Antofagasta Region, Chile) have proved the existence of high-altitude shrines, not previously documented on the latter two. In this article descriptions of the finds are presented and, building on the data recovered, topics related to their chronology, the logistics of climbing, and the types of activities conducted at the summits are discussed. In order to explain the role of these shrines within the context of the Inca control of the region, possible relationships between mountain worship and the occupation of major Inca facilities associated with state mining-metallurgical operations are examined.
Fil: Cantarutti R., Gabriel. University of Illinois at Chicago; Estados Unidos.
Fil: Salazar S., Diego. Universidad de Chile. Universidad Católica del Norte; Chile.
Adoratorios de altura, Alto Loa, Chile, Dominación incaica, Collasuyu, Practicas religiosas locales, Cerro Colorado, Cerro Palpana, Cerro Miño, Región de Antofagasta, Minería, Norte de Chile, Incas