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Conversion and Testimony among the Wichí of the argentinian Chaco: notes about ethics and subjectivity in the religious encounter

dc.creatorContini, Lavinia
dc.descriptionContini, Lavinia; Seccion Etnologia. Instituto de Ciencias Antropologicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires
dc.descriptionA través de testimonios individuales de algunos de los miembros de las iglesias cristianas indígenas wichí que hemos encontrado en el terreno, y asimismo de la información comparativa proveniente de la literatura etnográfica, en este artículo intentaremos resaltar algunos de los conceptos y principios que atañen al proceso de construcción de sentido social entre los wichí, así como de vislumbrar cuál puede ser el cambio de paradigma que entraña su “conversión” al cristianismo.
dc.descriptionBy analysing concrete individual testimony of the members of the Wichí indigenous Christian churches and comparative information in the ethnographic literature, the article highlights some concepts and principles that currently rule the process of construction of social meaning among the Wichí. These concepts and notions seem crucial to understand both the construction of social meaning and the religious and subjective factors implicit in the current process of “conversion”.
dc.publisherMuseo de Ciencias Naturales y Antropológicas "Prof. Antonio Serrano"
dc.rightsAuthors are the holders of the article copyright and guarantee the journal that this is the first publication of their article under the licensing of Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the article with recognition of article authorship and initial publication on this journal.Authors can establish additional agreements for non exclusive distribution of the article´s published version on the journal (for ex. To put the article in an institutional repository, or publish the article in a book), with initial recognition that the article has been previously published in the journal. We encourage authors to distribute their works electronically (for ex. Institutional repositories, authors own websites, before and during the article´s submission process, with the aim of scientific productive exchange, as well as a way to give the article an early citation of published works, and hence, increase citation impact (see The Effect of Open Access).
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dc.sourceRevista de Antropología del Museo de Entre Ríos; Vol 5, No 1 (2019)
dc.subjectPueblos indígenas
dc.subjectGran Chaco
dc.subjectindigenous people
dc.subjectGran Chaco
dc.titleConversión y testimonio entre los Wichí del Chaco Argentino: apuntes sobre ética social y subjetividad en el encuentro religioso
dc.titleConversion and Testimony among the Wichí of the argentinian Chaco: notes about ethics and subjectivity in the religious encounter

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