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dc.creatorDulout, Luis Noel
dc.creatorNazar, Carlos
dc.descriptionThe aim of this paper is to analyze and compare two rural cemeteries from the northwest of Catamarca Province. The members of an ethnic group are characterized by their ability to control their own cultural and exclusive patrimony. Even when they are in contact or subdued to other groups, if they are capable of producing and reproducing part of their culture, they will keep its identitary features. In this way the concept of tradition is strongly linked to the concept of identity that is the way in which a group defifi nes itself and it articulates in a dialectic relationship between the group of belonging and the rest of society. Our questions are articulated on one hand with the main point of interest of modern archeology focused on understanding what generates variations from one society to another. And, on the other hand, in its anthropological question: asking for the other. All individuals and all human group can exist in relation to the other. In that way we consider the term traditional funerary ways as a concept that can interrelate the idea of group of characteristic material features as “belonging to archaeology” and “ways of making them socially legitimated” of socio-cultural anthropology.en-US
dc.descriptionLos cementerios de las áreas rurales de los valles del oeste de la Provincia de Catamarca presentan características particulares en lo que respecta a los modos tradicionales funerarios. Los integrantes de un grupo étnico se caracterizan por la capacidad de control del patrimonio cultural propio y exclusivo que poseen. Aun estando en condiciones de contacto o sometimiento frente a otros grupos, si son capaces de producir y reproducir parte de su cultura mantendrán sus características identitarias. En este trabajo, de carácter preliminar, se caracterizan los habitus funerarios y la estructura de dos cementerios de poblaciones rurales del Valle de Hualfín, Departamento de Belén, Provincia de Catamarca, con el objeto de registrar sus estructuras materiales como portadoras de un conjunto de elementos simbólicos y su relación con las costumbres funerarias de las poblaciones
dc.publisherInstituto de Arqueología y Museo, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e IML, Universidad Nacional de Tucumánes-ES
dc.sourceMundo de Antes; Vol. 7 (2011): Volumen 6-7 correspondiente a 2009-2011; 193-207en-US
dc.sourceMundo de Antes; Vol. 7 (2011): Volumen 6-7 correspondiente a 2009-2011; 193-207es-ES
dc.subjectCementerios ruraleses-ES
dc.subjectRural cemeteriesen-US
dc.titleAnálisis de modos tradicionales funerarios en los cementerios de las localidades de Azampay y La Ciénaga, departamento Belén, provincia de Catamarcaes-ES
dc.typePeer-reviewed papersen-US
dc.typeArtículo evaluado por pareses-ES

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