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Mundo de Antes (UNT): Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 201
Araucaria araucana and its multiple uses in the Lago Meliquina site, Northwest Patagonia
Aguirre, M. Gabriela; Pérez, Alberto E.
Pérez Pieroni, M. Josefina; Becerra, M. Florencia
Combined use of Optical Microscopy, Confocal Microscopy and Electronic Microscopy with X-rays Spectrometer for the analysis of historical ceramic materials
López, Mariel Alejandra
Preliminary approaches to rock art from south of the Talampaya National Park
Ferraro, Lorena; Chinen, Silvia; Pagni, María Teresa
Identifying Hunter societies in valliserrano rock art
María, de Hoyos
Representaciones y huellas del pasado: la marcación y desmarcación de lo "indio" en la localidad santiagueña de Manogasta
Bonetti, Carlos
Gonzalo Castañeda and Luis Lara: contributions to work medicine in the mining region of the state of Hidalgo, México
Ruiz Sánchez, Héctor Alejandro
Análisis de modos tradicionales funerarios en los cementerios de las localidades de Azampay y La Ciénaga, departamento Belén, provincia de Catamarca
Dulout, Luis Noel; Nazar, Carlos
Textiles Qaraqara prehispánicos en las regiones de Yura y Carma, Potosí, Bolivia: Tecnología, iconografía y género
Rivera Casanovas, Claudia
Fe de Erratas: Comentario al trabajo “El Valle de Tafí en tiempos del Imperio incaico: inferencias a partir de la tecnología alfarera”
Palamarczuk, Valeria
Education and Training Program for the Conservation of Rock Art in Sierra de La Ventana, Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Oliva, Fernando; Panizza, Maria Cecilia
The most northern engravings of the West Tinogasteño and its connection with the South Puna (Catamarca, Argentina)
Ratto, Norma; Basile, Mara
The Anglo Mexican Mining Association and the Guanajato Mint in the Nineteenth Century
Parra, Alma
Pre-ceramic rock art in Bolivia. A preliminary approach
Strecker, Matthias
Cave paintings and coastal cultural development in the extreme north of Chile (2,000 B.C. to the present)
Oyaneder, Adrián; Alday, Camila; Sepúlveda, Marcela; Valenzuela, Daniela
Connectors marked during the first millennium AD in the western Tinogasteño.The engravings of Suri Potrero and Los Morteros (Catamarca, Argentina)
Basile, Mara
Al filo de La Aguada: aportes al estudio del arte rupestre de Cerro Negro, sector septentrional de la Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina)
Adris, Silvina
Art and space. Structuring of the rock art repertoires in the canyons "Yaten Guajen" and "El Lechuza" (North side of the Santa Cruz River, Patagonia, Argentina)
Acevedo, Agustín; Fiore, Dánae; Franco, Nora; Ocampo, Mariana
Cave Art in Persistent Spaces of Amaicha del Valle (Tucumán, Argentina)
Adris, Silvina
The cave art of the Northeast of the Somuncura Plateau: initial characterization and regional integration (Nordpatagonia, Argentina)
Blanco, Rocio; Miotti, Laura; Carden, Natalia
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