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Mundo de Antes (UNT): Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 201
Petrographic characterization and availability of lithical resources in Copacabana valley, Northwestern Córdoba, Argentina
Sario, Gisela; Salvatore, Marcos
What is said and what is lived: relationships between landscape, corporality and narratives in Cusi Cusi (Rinconada, Jujuy) through the experience of disease
Vaquer, José María
Abra del Toro workshop: a place within the hunter trails in the Yocavil Valley
Carbonelli, Juan Pablo; Peisker, Verónica; Manuale, Silvia
Memories of movement. Body, landscape and memory in Quebrada of Humahuaca
Fontes, Cristina
Forty years of research: spatial data, archaeology and GIS in the Ambato Valley (Catamarca Province, Argentina)
Assandri, Susana; Gastaldi, Marcos R.
Tribute to Ana Maria Lorandi
Aschero, Carlos; Taboada, Constanza
Vignoli, Marcela
Authorities and Index
Mundo de Antes
An Essay Concerning Genetics, Archaeology and Early Human Mobility: Commented by Francisco Rothhammer and Luis Alberto Borrero
Dillehay, Tom D.; Lépori, Matías; Rothhammer, Francisco; Borrero, Luis A.
Subadult representation in the bioarchaeological record from Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina
Botta, Florencia Natalia; Seldes, Verónica
Agricultural soils and peasant knowledge. Is it possible an intercultural perspective? Ethnopedology in El Bolson Valley
Taddei Salinas, María Laura
Analysis of the archaeofaunal record of the Abrigo Pozo Cavado site, Puna de Salta, Argentina, during the Middle Holocene and the beginning of the Late Holocene
Orsi, Juan Pablo; López, Gabriel E. J.
Ethnicity, indigenous law and counter-history. Reflectionsabout the re-ethnicization phenomenon in the Andean peasantry
Pisani, Gustavo
Technology, raw materials use and ocupational redundancy: the archaeological locality of Punta Odriozola, Río Negro province coast, Argentina
Cardillo, Marcelo; Alberti, Jimena; Carranza, Eugenia
Environmental dynamics and archaeological materials from the fluvial terraces of El Bolsón river (Belen Department, Catamarca). A taphonomic approach
Meléndez, Ana Soledad; Sentinelli, Natalia
The mines of Oruro at the crossroad of History and Archaeology
Cruz, Pablo; Téreygeol, Florian; Küng, Nina; Fernández, Soledad; Rivera Casanovas, Claudia
La Herradura a memorial place in the North of the Calchaqui Valley (Province of Salta, Argentina)
Páez, María Cecilia; Bonfigli, Facundo Nahuel; Pifano, Pablo José
Zooarchaeological studies in the middle basin of Parana River: Arroyo Las Mulas 1 site (Entre Ríos, Argentina)
Ottalagano, Flavia V.
Two sites, one space. Preliminary approach to the analysis of ceramic pastes of the Inka Period at Iruhito and Jesús de Machaca sites (La Paz, Bolivia)
Arano Romero, Salvador
An architecture for power materialization. Contributions from the study of new detected sites in Quebrada de Sixilera (Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina)
Ochoa, Pablo Adolfo
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