Arte rupestre, shamanismo y enteógenos en el paisaje del Sistema Serrano de Ventania: abordajes desde la arqueología cognitiva.
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Departamento de Arqueología, Escuela de Antropología, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes
En este trabajo, se discute la propuesta que considera al estudio del shamanismo y los estados
modificados de conciencia (EMC) o trance shamánico, como una vía de acceso al conocimiento
del pasado. Se mencionan casos etnográficos que ilustran su incidencia en la variabilidad
arqueológica. Son diversos los mecanismos para acceder a los EMC, sin bien una vía
altamente eficaz está dada por la química de diversas sustancias presentes en la naturaleza.
En este sentido se reconocen potenciales enteógenos de la región pampeana, como Datura
feroz, Ipomea violácea, Nicotiana glauca, N. longiflora, N. noctiflora, Sida rhombifolia, Psathyrella
candoleana y Psilocybe cubensis, entre otros. El Sistema Serrano de Ventania posee
numerosos sitios con representaciones rupestres, existiendo la posibilidad de que algunos
motivos se relacionen a experiencias producidas durante los estados de trance shamánico.
De esta forma, la demarcación de lugares con arte rupestre potenciaría la valoración simbólica
del paisaje.
In this paper we discuss the proposal which considers the study of Shamanism and the modified states of conscience (MSC) or shamanic trance, as a way to access knowledge of the past, mentioning ethnographic cases which illustrate its incidence on the archeological variability. There are several mechanisms to access the MSC, although a highly effective way is found in the chemistry of many substances present in Nature. In this sense entheogenic potentials of the Pampean region are recognized, such as Datura feroz, Ipomea violácea, Nicotiana glauca, N. longiflora, N. noctiflora, Sida rhombifolia, Psathyrella candoleana y Psilocybe cubensis, among others. The Ventania Sierran System has a number of sites with cave paintings, and there exists the possibility that some motifs are related to experiences produced during the states of shamanic trance. In this way, the demarcation of places with cave paintings would potentiate the symbolic appraisal of the landscape.
Fil: Algrain, Mariana - Centro de Estudios Arqueológicos Regionales (Facultad de Humanidades y Artes – Universidad Nacional de Rosario)
In this paper we discuss the proposal which considers the study of Shamanism and the modified states of conscience (MSC) or shamanic trance, as a way to access knowledge of the past, mentioning ethnographic cases which illustrate its incidence on the archeological variability. There are several mechanisms to access the MSC, although a highly effective way is found in the chemistry of many substances present in Nature. In this sense entheogenic potentials of the Pampean region are recognized, such as Datura feroz, Ipomea violácea, Nicotiana glauca, N. longiflora, N. noctiflora, Sida rhombifolia, Psathyrella candoleana y Psilocybe cubensis, among others. The Ventania Sierran System has a number of sites with cave paintings, and there exists the possibility that some motifs are related to experiences produced during the states of shamanic trance. In this way, the demarcation of places with cave paintings would potentiate the symbolic appraisal of the landscape.
Fil: Algrain, Mariana - Centro de Estudios Arqueológicos Regionales (Facultad de Humanidades y Artes – Universidad Nacional de Rosario)
Arte rupestre, Shamanismo, Enteógenos, Paisaje