Browsing by Author "Archaeopress"
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Item Aprovechamiento de vertebrados terrestres por las poblaciones humanas que habitaron la costa del Golfo San Matías (Río Negro Argentina) durante el Holoceno tardío(Archaeopress: Oxford) Marani HA; Archaeopress; IDACOR; Izeta ADThis book presents the results and discussion of archaeofaunal studies which took place in the northern San Matías Gulf (Rio Negro Province) during the last six years focussing on terrestrial mammals and birds. The general objective of this research is to determine what was the mode of operation of terrestrial vertebrates (small and big) and the importance that they had in the survival of human populations that occupied the coastline during the late Holocene (last 3000 years).Item Arqueología urbana en el área central de la Ciudad de Córdoba Argentina. Excavaciones en la Sede Corporativa del Banco de la Provincia de Córdoba (2014-2016)(Archaeopress: Oxford) Izeta AD; Pautassi E; Cattáneo R; Robledo AI; Caminoa JM; Mignino J; Prado IE; Archaeopress; IDACOR; Izeta ADThis work is part of a line of action proposed by the Institute of Anthropology of Córdoba (IDACOR) doubly dependent executing unit of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and the National University of Cordoba (UNC). This action requires the intervention of professional archaeologists in order to evaluate the impact produced by subsurface excavation in cases related to the development of real estate projects. Within this framework in February 2014 there was the need to implement an archeological impact study on land under cadastral nomenclature 04-04-020-023 in the city of Cordoba Argentina. The study was conducted in two instances. The first took place between the months of April and June 2014 consisting of various actions related to the systematic archaeological excavation registration conservation and interpretation of material culture recovered in depths between the surface and about 2.5 / 3m deep. The second stage implemented between February and August 2015 consisted of the monitoring of the excavation while using heavy machinery allowed archaeologists to reach greater depths. The results of these tasks were submitted to the local authorities in five partial reports presented collectively here in order to have all the information available in one volume. As a result of the excavations it was possible to retrieve information about land use in the last two hundred years. Previous occupations have been masked or destroyed mostly by architectural interventions in the mid-nineteenth century and early twentieth century. However more than 30 000 objects recovered during the archaeological project help us to interpret the life of the people who inhabited these spaces as well as local and international production and trade networks where they were integrated. Along with this it was possible to recover significant portions of architectural structures that probably correspond to the eighteenth century being the oldest constructive feature found on the parcel. This action perhaps the most difficult due to the sheer scale of the objects allowed the implementation of a novel technique for the recovery of archaeological objects in the city of Córdoba.Item Darwin´s Legacy: The Status of Evolutionary Archaeology in Argentina. Tribute to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin and the 150th anniversary of the publication of The Origin of Species(Archaeopress: Oxford) Cardillo M; Muscio H; Archaeopress; IDACOR; Izeta ADThis book collects the contributions to the symposium “The current state of evolutionary archeology in Argentina” that was held in Buenos Aires for celebrating the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of "On the Origin of Species”. The meeting was sponsored by the IMHICIHU-CONICET (Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas-Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas). Contents: PREFACE (Hernán J. Muscio and Marcelo Cardillo); INTRODUCTION (Hernán J. Muscio and Marcelo Cardillo); CULTURAL ADAPTATIONS: IS IT CONCEPTUALLY COHERENT TO APPLY NATURAL SELECTION TO CULTURAL EVOLUTION? (Santiago Ginnobili); THEORY OF CLASSIFICATION AND TAXONOMICAL SCHOOLS: A SYNTHESIS FOR ARCHAEOLOGY (Daniel García Rivero); ENVIRONMENT SPACE HISTORY AND TECHNOLOGICAL EVOLUTION. THE CASE OF THE PATAGONIAN COAST (Marcelo Cardillo); ON THE PROBLEM OF IDENTIFYING HOMOLOGIES IN LITHIC ARTIFACTS (Gustavo Barrientos); LOCAL EXTINTION POPULATION DYNAMICS AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL PATTERNS OF CULTURAL EVOLUTION: A CASE STUDY IN THE NORTH PUNA OF ARGENTINA (Hernán Muscio); HUMAN HOLOCENE COLONIZATION DIET BREADTH AND NICHE CONSTRUCTION IN SIERRAS OF CORDOBA [ARGENTINA] (Diego Rivero and Matías Medina); THE DEVELOPMENT OF A LEGACY: EVOLUTION BIOGEOGRAPHY AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL LANDSCAPES (Juan Bautista Belardi Ramiro Barberena Rafael Goñi and Anahi Re)Item Disponibilidad y explotación de materias primas líticas en la costa de Norpatagonia (Argentina). Un enfoque regional(Archaeopress: Oxford) Alberti J; Archaeopress; IDACOR; Izeta ADEl presente libro tiene como objetivo estudiar el uso de las materias primas líticas en la costa del golfo San Matías (Río Negro Argentina) durante el Holoceno medio y tardío. El entendimiento de este aspecto de la tecnología de los grupos humanos es de fundamental importancia ya que los principales materiales arqueológicos recuperados en los sitios de superficie del área de estudio son los artefactos líticos fabricados a partir de diferentes tipos de rocas. Así entender la forma en que éstas fueron seleccionadas reducidas y finalmente descartadas aportará a la comprensión del modo de vida de los grupos cazadores-recolectores que habitaron el área en el período mencionado.Item Estudios antracológicos en los espacios de combustión del Alero Deodoro Roca – Ongamira (Córdoba)(Archaeopress: Oxford) Robledo, Andrés I.; Archaeopress; IDACOR; Izeta, Andrés D.This book is about how hunter-gatherer groups maintained a relationship with the use and management of fire in the Late Holocene of Southern Precordillera. The line of study developed here as part of the anthracology made use of methodologically systematic analysis of the remains of charcoal from the archaeological site Alero Deodoro Roca B. This industry focused on a time frame of ca. 1900 years AP to ca.3900 years AP. Studies carried out in the Alero Deodoro Roca allow us to understand on the one hand the different methods of preservation of charcoal record in the succession of combustion events and secondly to discuss the variability of species present within the composition of the flora in the paleoenvironment. Functional association is proposed for various uses; as a source of heat cooking and preparation of raw materials among the possibilities.Item Paisajes de la campaña pampeana (siglos XIX y XX): Abordajes desde la Arqueología rural en Argentina(Archaeopress: Oxford) Landa C; Pineau V; Montanari E; Doval J; Archaeopress; IDACOR; Izeta ADThis volume presents a series of papers designed to offer a summary of ongoing research across Argentina that can come under the broad heading of Rural Archaeology.Item Quebrando rocas- una aproximación metodológica para el estudio del cuarzo en contextos arqueológicos de Córdoba (Argentina)(Archaeopress: Oxford) Pautassi E; Archaeopress; IDACOR; Izeta ADLa meta de este libro es aportar al desarrollo de una metodología para abordar el estudio de artefactos arqueológicos de cuarzo focalizándose en la combinación de diversas herramientas analíticas que permitan estudiar estos utensilios y contribuir así a una mejor comprensión de las estrategias tecnológicas de las sociedades cazadoras recolectoras que hicieron uso de esta materia prima. Ello implica por un lado evaluar el potencial de dicha roca para la producción de instrumentos líticos considerando las distintas técnicas de talla así como analizar las propiedades y cualidades de los filos para la realización de diversas actividades de incidencia sobre la materia en general considerando a las de corte y raspado en particular. Con el fin de someter a prueba esta propuesta es que se abordarán como caso de estudio las estrategias tecnológicas implementadas por los grupos cazadores-recolectores que habitaron en el Valle de Calamuchita (provincia de Córdoba) durante el Holoceno medio y tardío estudiando allí el rol cumplido por el cuarzo como materia prima así como el uso y manufactura de artefactos de cuarzo en dicho contexto particular. Consta de tres partes principales: la primera de ellas aborda el enfoque metodológico y consta de cinco capítulos; la segunda parte comprende los resultados obtenidos luego de la aplicación de estos desarrollos metodológicos a través de programas experimentales tanto de manufactura como de uso de instrumentos sobre cuarzo ; por último la tercer parte incluye la aplicación de los resultados obtenidos en el análisis de un caso de estudio en sitios arqueológicos de Calamuchita.Item Sig y análisis espacial en la arqueología de cazadores recolectores de Magallania (extremo sur de Sudamérica)(Archaeopress: Oxford) Pallo MC; Archaeopress; IDACOR; Izeta ADEn su versión original Magallania es el nombre acuñado por Martinic para definir la región comprendida entre la cuenca del río Santa Cruz al norte hasta la expresión fueguina de la cordillera de los Andes al sur. Es uno de los espacios más australes del mundo y de los últimos en ser ocupados por humanos proceso que ocurrió al menos a fines del Pleistoceno (11.000 a 9.000 AP) y antes de la completa formación del estrecho de Magallanes (ca. 8000 AP). A partir de entonces el Estrecho funcionó como una barrera biogeográfica creando condiciones para que ocurra la evolución cultural divergente entre las poblaciones del continente y la Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego. Por este motivo la arqueología de Magallania ofrece una posibilidad única para indagar acerca de la relación entre la dinámica ambiental y la organización espacial de las poblaciones de cazadores recolectores asentadas a un lado y otro del estrecho de Magallanes.Item Un estudio de tecnología lítica desde la antropología de las técnicas: el caso del Alero Deodoro Roca ca. 3000 AP, Ongamira, Ischilín, Córdoba(Archaeopress: Oxford) Caminoa. JM; Caminoa, José María; Archaeopress; IDACOR; IDACOR; Archaeopress; Izeta AD; Andrés D. IzetaAs part of a series of research projects on the Archaeology of hunter-gatherers societies in the Southern Pampean Hills this presents among other things the study of various aspects of the organization of lithic technology and strategies for the use of lithic resources by prehistoric populations. This is in order to understand the social aspects that allow us to recognize and describe habitus or ways of doing things. In this book we studied lithic assemblages in the manner described above from stratigraphic levels of the Alero Deodoro Roca (Deodoro Roca Rockshelter) comprising chronologies between ca. 3000 years BP to ca. 3600 years BP. We propose that behind the technical movements organization of the production distribution of activities in space the selection of raw materials and any other technological activity there are people and groups who make decisions based on the context needs history and knowledge. We ask ourselves: What affected material selection for the production of stone tools rocks? Was there a differential selection depending on the desired end product? And if so was it different in diachronic moments? What techniques were used in the production of what instruments? What productive activities were conducted in Alero Deodoro Roca and which were not? What role did the tools produced have? This study aims to produce relevant and new information that expands our knowledge of technological strategies used by the human groups in order to compare them with those produced in other areas of the Sierras. It will contribute to a process of constructing knowledge about hunter-gatherers of the valleys of Cordoba province by studying lithic technology and therefore raising new questions for further studies.